Page 42 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 42

CPS1414 Bashiru. I.I S. at el.
                        Table 3: Summaries of local parameters in the geographically weighted
                                                   linear model
                   Variable      Minimum  Lower Quintile  Median  Upper Quintile  Maximum
                   Intercept      -0.5130      -0.0547     0.0025      0.1225       0.2569
                                  -0.0025      -0.0013     -0.0005     0.0014       0.0020
                   Aged*          0.0004       0.0011      0.0024      0.0042       0.0056
                   log(Const)*    -0.0427      -0.0354     -0.0188     -0.0108      0.0160
                   log(Agric)*    0.0153       -0.0354     0.0316      0.0438       0.0697
                   HSabove        -0.0022      -0.0001     0.0007      0.0013       0.0016
                   Unemployed     -0.0040      -0.0015     -0.0006     0.0004       0.0016
                   Poor           -0.0011      -0.0004     -0.0001     0.0004       0.0010
                   log(Bschool)   -0.0659      -0.0297     -0.0142     0.0174       0.0468
                   Mining         0.0000       0.0000      0.0000      0.0000       0.0000
                        R          0.43
                      Adj. R       0.30
                       AICc       -329.58
                                       * *
                  `    . 0  01 , p    . 0  001 , p    . 0  0001 ,  * * *  p    . 0  0001  ,  ≤ 0.05

                        Figure 2: Map Showing fitted Values of GLM and GWLM by District

                  4.  Conclusion and Recommendation
                      The findings of this study can help to target areas where child labour
                  practices are very high. The improvement of the GWLM model approach
                  is more robust and useful for identify and interpreting the outcomes of
                  high child labour proportion areas. This helps to clarify issues such as
                  the spatial aspects of both the response and explanatory variables at
                  the specific location with significant determination. The results of this

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