Page 40 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 40

CPS1414 Bashiru. I.I S. at el.
                                   0 ( vu 1  1 )   1 ( vu 1  1 )  ...  k  ( vu 1  1   )
                                   ( vu  )  ( vu  )  ...   ( vu  ) 
                                =    0  2  2  1  2  2      k  2  2                          (2)
                                    ...        ...    ...     ...  
                                                                   
                                   0 ( vu n  n )  1 ( vu n  n )  ...  k ( vu n  n ) 

                  The parameter for each district, which forms a row in the matrix in (2)
                  is estimated as (Lutz et al., 2014; Pedro, Fabio, & Alan, 2016):

                                          k  =  X (  T W  u (  i  v ,  i  X )  1 −  X  T W  u (  i  v ,  i  Y )                      (3)

                  In  (3),  W  (u i  ,v i )  is  a  diagonal  spatial  weight  matrix  containing  the
                  weights   at main diagonal and 0 at off diagonal elements. This can
                  be conveniently expressed as ():

                                            w i1  0   ...  0  
                                              0  w    ...  0  
                                         W( i)  =    i2                                        (4)
                                             ...  ...  ...  ...  
                                                             
                                              0   ...  ...  w in 

                  where,    ( = 1,2, … , ) is  the  weight  given  to  districts  during  the
                  calibration  of  model  for  i   district.  There  are  several  approaches  in
                  dealing  with  weighting  in  the  GWLM  modelling  but  the  two  main
                  weighting functions commonly used are the Gaussian and the adaptive
                  bi-square function, weighting scheme. In this study, the adaptive bi-
                  square weighting function was used. The choice of this function was
                  influenced by the fact that the other methods tends to generate more
                  extreme  coefficients  which  may  affect  interpretation  (Cho,  Lambert,
                  Kim,  &  Jung,  2009).  The  adaptive  bi-square  weighting  function  is
                  defined as:

                   w ij  =    1 [  −(d ij /d max  2 ] )  2           if  d   d max , and    = 0  otherwise      (5)
                           0

                  where,  d    is the max distance from the farthest district to the district.
                  In this study, the GWLM was constructed by assuming all explanatory

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