Page 44 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 44

CPS1416 Jungtaek O. et al.

                                 A study on the parameter estimation of the
                                  generalized ratio-type estimator in survey
                                            Jungtaek OH, Key-Il Shin
                                Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, Rep. of Korea

                  In order to improve the accuracy and the precision of estimation in a sample
                  survey, a ratio estimator and a regression estimator using auxiliary information
                  have been widely used. The ratio estimator is simple in its form, convenient to
                  use,  and  easy  to  use  for  sample  weight  adjustment.  However,  the  ratio
                  estimator gives good results only when the variance structure is suitable for
                  the use. Whereas the regression estimator is relatively complex in form and
                  difficult to use although the regression estimator gives highly accurate and
                  robust result for the various distribution types in a survey sampling. In this
                  study,  we  propose  a  generalized  ratio-type  estimator  obtained  by
                  approximating the regression estimator to a ratio-type estimator in case with
                  several auxiliary variables. Therefore, the generalized ratio-type estimator has
                  the features of the multiple regression estimator and it has the form of the
                  ratio-type estimator so the form is simple and easy to use. Through simulation
                  studies, we confirm the theoretical results and the Korea financial statement
                  analysis data are used for real data analysis.

                  Sample  survey;  weighted  least  squares  estimator;  ratio  estimator;  Taylor
                  approximation; Maximum likelihood estimator

                  1.  Introduction
                      A  sample  design  is  carried  out  using  various  methods  for  an  optimal
                  sample survey. Using the optimal sample design can accurately estimate the
                  parameters of population while reducing costs. Recent decades, the accuracy
                  and  the  precision  of  the  estimation  have  been  improved  by  using
                  administrative data. Especially in case of business survey, the ratio and the
                  ratio-type estimator using administrative data are widely used. The ratio and
                  the ratio-type estimator are known to improve the accuracy and the precision
                  of parameter estimation using the population parameter values of the auxiliary
                  variables  obtained  from  administrative  data.  As  is  well  known,  the  ratio
                  estimator  is optimized for  the ratio  model where the variance of the error
                  satisfies ( ) =   ,  = 1 with the -th auxiliary variable .
                      Therefore, if the error variance of the data does not satisfy this assumption,
                  the  efficiency  of  the  ratio  estimator  decreases.  Hence  the  ratio  estimator
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