Page 131 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 131

CPS1970 Nurul Aityqah Y. et al.
            where    represents  the  age  component,    is  the  singular  value  and  
            represents the time component. The first step in forecasting mortality via LC
            model is estimating   ,   and   using historical age specific mortality rates.
            The  estimates  of ̃  can  be  obtained  by  finding  the  average  over  time  of
            ( ),                           .  The  estimates  of  =   and  =    can  be
                                                                            1 1
            obtained  by approximating the first term (Wang, 2007).
                As the first stage of estimation is based on logs of death rates rather than
            the  death  rates  themselves,  there  will  be  a  fairly  large  disparity  between
            predicted and actual deaths. Therefore, re-estimation of   is necessary, by
            taking the  and   estimates. In order to search for   such that:

                                    ∑   =  ∑    (  +    )         (7)
                                    = 1    = 1
            Where            is  the  total  number  of  deaths  in  year    and     is  the
            population (exposure to risk) of age in year  . The estimated   was adjusted
            to ensure equality between the observed and estimated number of deaths in
            a  certain  period.  Lee  and  Carter  found  an  appropriate  ARIMA  time  series
            model  for  the  mortality  index   .  They  proposed  the  standard  univariate
            ARIMA  (0,1,0)  time  series  model  which  is  a  random  walk  with  drift,  as  an
            appropriate model to forecast. The model is as follows:
                                         =  −1   +    + 
            where  is known as the drift parameter and
                                                 −   −1                       (9)
                                                   −  1
                Finally, the forecasted values of adjusted   and the estimated    and 
            had substituted into equation (1) to get the forecasted values of ( )in
            order to get forecast mortality rates. The forecasts for age-specific death rates,
              can be obtained by using the equation below:
                       ,+ℎ   =  ,  {  ( +ℎ  −  )}, ℎ = 1,2, …   1,2, … . 

            where  is the last year from which data are available; ℎ is the forecast horizon,
            and  represents the age group (Andreozzi, Blaconá, & Arnesi, 2011).
                The LM variant differ from the LC model by constraining the model such
            that the jump-of rates are the observed rates in the jump-of year instead of
            the fitted rates and   passes through zero in the jump-off year to avoid jump-
            off  bias. While the BMS variant varies from the LC model when the fitting
            period  is  chosen  based  on  statistical  goodness-of-fit  criteria  under  the
            assumption of linear   and the jump-off rates are taken to be the fitted rates
            based on this fitting methodology (Booth et al., 2005). The model also makes
            an adjustment of   by fitting to the age distribution of deaths   using the
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