Page 94 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 94

CPS1952 Michele N. et al.
                  for our covariates over the study years and standardise them. The covariates
                  we consider are rainfall from the Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation
                  and  Station  data  (CHIRPS),  enhanced  vegetation  index  (EVI),  daytime  land
                  surface temperature (LST_Day), diurnal difference in land surface temperature
                  (LST_delta),  night-time  land  surface  temperature  (LST_night),  tasselled  cap
                  brightness  (TCB),  tasselled  cap  wetness  (TCW)  as  well  as  the  temperature
                  suitability indices for Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax (TSI_Pf
                  and TSI_Pv). The data sources are detailed elsewhere (Kang et al. 2018). To
                  account  for  delayed  and  accumulated  responses  to  these  environmental
                  variables, we also test them at 1-3 month lags.
                      We set aside 30% randomly selected sites for validation. Working with the
                  rest  of  the  data,  we  reduce  the  set  of  covariates  and  account  for
                  multicollinearity by iteratively computing the variance inflation factors (VIFs)
                  and removing the covariates with the highest VIF value until all the remaining
                  covariates  have  VIF  values  less  than  10. Next,  we  fit  the  model  in  R  using
                  integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) (Lindgren et al. 2011, Kang et
                  al. 2018). Backwards regression using the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)
                  is used to select the best parsimonious model.

                  2.3 Deriving seasonality statistics
                      After checking that the model performs well on both the training and test
                  data in terms of coverage probabilities and root mean squared errors, we refit
                  the chosen model using all of the data. Seasonality statistics are derived for
                  each posterior sample of the location-specific monthly proportions.
                      We regard a location as potentially seasonal if its entropy  > 0. If this is
                  satisfied, we fit a rescaled, two-component von Mises (R2vM) density to the
                  monthly proportions. Rewriting the month in a year as a random variable on
                  a circle,   =    where   =  1, … , 12, the R2vM function is defined as: 12
                        (,  ,  ,   ,  )  =  [ (,  ,  ) + (1 −  ) (,  ,  )]
                                     1  2

                                where  (,  ,  ) =     exp{ (  −  )},
                                                      2 0 (  )

                  and    and    are  the  mean  and  concentration  parameters  of  the  
                  component respectively ( = 1, 2). Here,   is the modified Bessel function and
                   is a probability weight. The scale parameter  > 0 modulates between the
                  continuous density function and monthly proportions over discrete months.
                      Using  a  circular  distribution  provides  a  continuous  curve  between  the
                  months of January and December. Using a two-component von Mises density,
                  in particular, is convenient for identifying the peaks of the bimodal distribution
                  since these correspond to the mean parameters (Pewsey et al. 2013). Although
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