Page 194 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 194
CPS2173 Felicien Donat Edgar Towenan Accrombessy et al.
to estimate this hierarchical model by the OLS method introduces bias in the
implementation of the tests. Relationships between learning outcomes and
higher-level characteristics can be illusory.
Multilevel models help overcome the shortcomings of the OLS method in
remedying the problem of homoscedasticity, by introducing a lower
hypothesis, according to which the variance of the residuals can vary as a linear
or non-linear function of the explanatory variables. Following Bressoux, 2010,
the models with the performance of pupils (Sij), q characterizing variables
(Xqij) of the pupil (level 1) who studies in school j (level 2) with its
characteristics (Wlij) are:
S = + Q q00 X + L l00 W + Q L ql00 W X qij + ( ij 0 j )
q 1 = l 1 = q 1 l 1 =
3. Results
a. Primary education achievement trends
According to census data, primary education attainment and completion
ratios improved in recent years. While seven people out of ten had no
education in 2002, this number decreased to 53 percent in 2013. At the same
time, the enrollment rate at the post-primary level doubled from 10.2 percent
in 2002 to 24.2 percent in 2013. Now, students have more opportunities than
in the past to continue their education studies after grade 6. Nevertheless,
beyond this success, several challenges remain from the point of view of
equity. Completion rates by gender and region show significant disparities of
more than two-fold disadvantage for women and rural areas. The completion
rate for men is 23. percent compared to 14.7 percent for women.
Depending on the location, in urban areas, this ratio was 27.2% against
12% in rural areas. Inequalities are less pronounced in regions with low
completion rates, most of which are located in the northern part of the
country. On the other hand, in the south and the center regions completion
rates stood above the national rate. When we consider the primary school
grade 6 completion at the national level, four regions substanstially stand
other the 19.0 percent, namely Littoral (+20.6 percentage points), Atlantique
(+7.2 percentage points), Oueme (+5.4 percentage points) and Mono (+3.9
percentage points).
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