Page 222 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 222

CPS2201 Mikhail L.
                  ℱ  is the set of all functions of 4 arguments on the 3-dimensional unit sphere
                    in ℝ .
                     In order to evaluate the influence of measurement errors and to be able to
                  measure the quality of fit of BRDF models, one needs a ”measure of distance”
                  between  BRDFs.  There  are  many  choices  of  distances  and  quasi-distances
                  available:    , 1  ≤    < +∞,  ,   Sobolev   distances,   Kullback-Leibler
                  information divergence Kullback and Leibler (1951), Mahalanobis (1936), chi-
                  squared distance used in correspondence analysis Langovaya et al. (2013). In
                  computer science literature on BRDFs, there are few papers that study the
                  quality of fit of BRDF models to real data. Most of these studies use the (most
                  standard)  −norm.  An  alternative  approach  was  taken  in  Langovoy  et  al.
                  (2014), where a perception-inspired quasi-metric for the space of BRDFs was

                  4.  Active manifold learning strategies
                     In BRDF sampling, the equispaced-angular grid pictured in Figure 1(a) is
                  the standard. However, as was shown in Langovoy et al. (2016), this choice of
                  measurement points leads to very inefficient sampling. Another strategy is in
                  using uniformly distributed points on a sphere, see Figure 1(c). Since it was
                  already understood in the community (see Höpe and Hauer (2010)) that the
                  standard grid is suboptimal, there were multiple heuristic attempts to propose
                  trickier grids that better reflect the typical structure of BRDF models. A good
                  example is shown in Figure 1(b). Ideally, the main goal of this research is to
                  find the best sampling strategy; this strategy has to retain its optimality at least
                  for a class of reasonable criteria, and for a sufficiently general classes of both
                  BRDFs as well as of estimating procedures.
                     On the other hand, any result showing that new strategy is better than the
                  default strategy, at least for one specific loss function, for one specific BRDF,
                  and  one  specific  estimating  procedure,  is  already  instrumental  in
                  understanding the general picture of learning BRDF  manifolds from scarce
                  expensive data. This basic case is straightforwardly formulated in the language
                  of mathematical optimization, so we are able to obtain theoretical guarantees
                  on learning accuracy, at least for some special cases. Let us outline a possible
                  mathematical framework for BRDF sampling, in a basic case to begin with.
                     Consider  BRDF   ∈ ℱ .  Suppose  that    is  measured  on  the  finite  set
                  Ω  ()

                  (4) Ω  () = {(  () ,   () ,   () ,   () ) |(  () ,   () ) ∈ Ω  , (  () ,   () ) ∈ Ω  ()},

                  (5)  = |Ω  ()| = ∑|Ω  ()|.

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