Page 238 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 238

CPS2214 Riyanti S. et al.
                  expressed in terms of percentage, used as one of the indicators to determine
                  share of working age population in the labour market. Those not classified as
                  employed  or  unemployed  were  identified  as  outside  labour  force.  This
                  category  consists  of  homemakers,  students,  retirees,  disabled  persons  and
                  those who are not interested in working.
                      An employed person was further classified into categories of occupation,
                  sector and employment status consisting of employer, employee, own account
                  worker and unpaid family worker. Employer operates a business, a plantation
                  or other trade and employs one or more workers to help him/her. Meanwhile,
                  own account worker  operates his/her own farm, business or  trade without
                  employing  any  paid  workers  in  a  continuous  basis.  Another  status  of
                  employment was unpaid family worker, a person who works without pay or
                  wages on a farm, business or trade operated by another member of the family.
                      Education attainment  refers  to the highest level in which a  person has
                  completed  schooling  or  is  currently  attending,  in  a  public  or  private
                  educational institution that provide formal education. There are four levels of
                  education attainment which are no formal education, primary, secondary and
                      Survey  data  were  analysed  using  Statistical  Package  for  Social  Science
                  (SPSS version 22) and Microsoft Office Excel. Weighting the survey data was
                  required  to  infer  the  sample  to  represent  the  survey  population.  Several
                  descriptive data analysis techniques were utilised to identify the trend of LFPR
                  as well as to profile the demographic characteristics of populations in and
                  outside the labour force.

                  3.  Results
                      Out of 8.4 million working age population in 1982, there was 64.8 per cent
                  or 5.4 million labour force while 35.2 per cent or 2.9 million outside labour
                  force (Table 3.1). After 36 years, the working age population grew 2.7 per cent
                  per annum to reach 22.4 million, while the labour force grew at a faster rate of
                  2.9 per cent, registering 14.8 million labour force or LFPR of 68.3 per cent. Of
                  this, male working age population expanded 2.8 per cent annually while labour
                  force registered slower growth of 2.7 per cent.

                      Table 3.1: Principal labour force statistics, Malaysia, 1982, 2010 & 2018
                     Sex    Year     Labour force   Employed   Outside    LFPR   Unemployment
                                                            labour force                 rate
                                          ('000)    ('000)       ('000)    (%)           (%)
                              1982        5,431.4   5,249.0     2,944.6    64.8           3.4
                    Male +
                    Female    2010       12,303.9   11,899.5    7,023.0    63.7           3.3
                              2018       15,280.3   14,776.0    7,094.4    68.3           3.3
                              1982        3,562.3   3,465.3      611.5     85.3           2.7
                     Male     2010        7,955.5   7,707.8     2,071.7    79.3           3.1
                              2018        9,330.2   9,041.8     2,271.3    80.4           3.1

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