Page 266 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 266

CPS2220 David Degras et al.
                      (Alternatively, the  ̂  can be set to zero and the   can be made diagonal
                      for numerical stability.)
                  4.  Divide the time range {1, . . . , } into  subintervals  = { + 1, … ,  +1 }
                      where  = ⌊/⌋ for 0  ≤    ≤   and ⌊⋅⌋ denotes the integer part. Fit a
                      VAR(p) model to each subseries ( )     by ordinary least squares (OLS)
                                         ̂ ()
                      and  call   ()  and    the  corresponding  estimates  of  the  transition
                      matrices and innovation covariances.
                  5.  Partition  the  ( () ̂ () ), 1 ≤    ≤  , into  clusters  with  the  K-means
                      algorithm. Take the initial estimates ( ,  ), 1  ≤    ≤  , as the cluster
                                                           ̂ ̂
                      centers. Alternatively, refit the VAR() model by OLS to each of the 
                      subseries associated with the clustering and take the resulting ( ,  ) as
                                                                                    ̂ ̂
                      the initial estimates.
                  6.  Let    be  the  estimated  regime  at  time  :  =   if    and  ( () ,
                      ̂ ()
                        ) belongs  to  cluster .  Set ̂ = 1 if  = , ̂ = 0.01 otherwise,  and
                      rescale so that ∑   ̂ = 1. Set ̂ = #{:  ̂ −1  = ,   = }/#{:  ̂ −1  = }
                      for  1 ≤ ,  ≤ .  For  each  ,  replace  any  ̂   less  than  0.01
                      (̂ , … , ̂  ) by this value and rescale so that ∑   ̂ = 1.

                  Initialization for the switching dynamics model (method 2)
                      Method 2 is identical to Method 1 in all aspects except for step 4 which
                  uses a more sophisticated segmentation algorithm for the time series (x̂ ),
                  namely binary segmentation. Initially, a VAR() model is fitted to (x̂ ) over its
                  entire range {1, . . . , }, yielding a  sum of squared errors SSE(1, ). For  each
                  time point 1  ≤    ≤  , one fits a VAR() over each of the subintervals {1, . . . , }
                  and {  +  1, . . . , }, yielding a total sum of squares SSE(1, ) +  SSE(  +  1, ).
                  One  then  selects  the  time   = argmin 1≤≤ {SSE(1, ) +  SSE(  +  1, )} as  a
                  candidate change point. If the reduction in SSE is sufficient, say, (SSE(1, ) +
                   SSE( + 1, )) ≤ (1 − )SSE(1, )  for  some  small   > 0,  is  accepted  as  a
                  change point and the initial time range {1, . . . , } is split in two subintervals
                  {1, . . . , }  and  {  +  1, . . . , } .  The  process  is  then  iterated  for  each  new
                  subinterval and so on so  forth until no new change points are found. The
                  resulting change points are denoted by  < ⋯ <  −1  with  = 0 and  = 
                  as before. In practice, the tolerance  can be selected by trial and error until a
                  reasonable number κ of segments has been obtained. One may also impose a
                  minimal distance between successive change points for faster computations
                  and better interpretability of results.
                      The initialization method for the switching observations model builds on
                  the above initializations. For reasons of space, we do not present it in this

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