Page 267 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 267

CPS2220 David Degras et al.
            4.   Statistical inference of model parameters
                MLEs in linear Gaussian SSMs are consistent and asymptotically normal
            [6]. This result can likely be extended to the switching SSM (1) under mild
            assumptions on the Markov chain ( ). One can  thus in principle perform
            statistical inference on  using the limiting distribution of the MLE. We have
            found however that due to the high dimension of , common techniques to
            estimate  the  limiting  covariance  matrix  (i.e.  the  inverse  of  the  Fisher
            information matrix) are numerically unfeasible. As an alternative approach,
            we propose a parametric bootstrap method that enjoys a simple and easily
            parallelizable implementation.
                 1.  Apply the EM algorithm of section 3 to the data  1:  and denote by
                      the MLE of .
                 2.  Draw a bootstrap replicate  of   according to the probabilities ̂.
                 3.  For 2  ≤    ≤  , draw a bootstrap replicate  of   according to the
                                   ̂       ̂    ).
                     probabilities ( ∗ −1 ,1,…,  −1 ,
                 4.  Draw a bootstrap replicate  of   from ( ̂ ∗,  ∗).
                 5.  For  2  ≤    ≤  ,  draw  a  bootstrap  replicate   ∗   of     from
                     ( ∗ x ,  ∗).
                             ∗ ̂
                 6.  For  1  ≤    ≤  ,  draw  a  bootstrap  replicate    ∗   of     from
                     ( ∗x ,  ∗).
                                                                                ̂ ∗
                 7.  Apply the EM to the bootstrap sample   ∗ 1:  and denote by   the
                     bootstrap replicate of .
                 8.  Repeat steps 2–7 a large number of times, say 50  ≤    ≤  200, to
                     obtain  the  probability  distribution  of  the  bootstrap  estimator 
                                                                                    ̂ ∗
                     conditional on  1: .

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