Page 264 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 264

CPS2220 David Degras et al.
                  3.1 E-step
                      Given  a  current  estimate    of   ,  the  E-step  consists  in  taking  the
                  conditional  expectation  of  the  complete  data  log-likelihood  given  the
                  observed data  1:  while assuming that  is the true model parameter. This
                  yields the  −function
                                         (; ) =  ̂ (log  ()| 1: )

                      which serves as an approximation to the (incomplete data) log-likelihood
                  function. The calculation of (; ) requires the following quantities:

                           =  ̂ ( = |  ),        =  ̂ ( ′ | = ,   ),
                          |       1:            |          1:
                        =  ̂ (  = ,  =  |  ),   =  ̂ (  ′  | = ,   ),            (4)
                    −1,|    −1      1:   −1|    −1  −1    1:
                          =  ̂ ( | = |  ),     =  ̂ ( ′  | = ,   ),
                        |        1:         ,−1|      −1    1:

                      where    =   − 1  for  prediction,    =      for  filtering,  and    =    for
                  smoothing. The quantities in (4) can be computed approximately with the Kim
                  filtering algorithm, also known as Hamilton filtering [7, 10]. In essence, the
                  calculation of (4) relies on a forward-backward algorithm similar to the Kalman
                  filter  and  Rauch-Tung-Striebel  smoother  for  SSMs.  Here  however,  exact
                  calculations in the filtering step require conditioning at each time  on all  
                  possible  histories  of  the  switching  variables   , … ,  , meaning  that  the
                  computational  cost  grows  exponentially  with  time,  which  is  not  feasible.
                  Instead, at each time  the Kim filter only considers the recent history of the
                  switching  variables  (say,  the   possible  values  of  ( −1 ,  ))  to  calculate
                  relevant  probabilities  and  expectations,  which  it  then  collapses  to
                  (approximately) recover (4) (for   =  ). Further approximations are required
                  in  the  smoothing  step  to  make  calculations  tractable.  In  practice  the  Kim
                  filter/smoother saves considerable computational time and provides accurate
                  approximations  to  the  −function  and  the  log-likelihood,  at  least  in  low
                  dimensional settings. Up to additive constants, the  −function expresses as

                     (; ) = ∑ ∑  (log| | −  ( ′ − 2    +   ′ ))
                                =1  =1
                                          + ∑ ∑    (log| | −  (   − 2    +   ()  ′ ))
                              2        |               |  ,−1|   −1|
                                =2  =1
                            + ∑   |  (|∑ | − ∑ −1  ( 1|  − 2x 1|  +   ))
                           + ∑    log  + ∑ ∑ ∑    log  .
                                 1|              −1,|  
                             =1          =2  =1  =1
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