Page 263 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 263

CPS2220 David Degras et al.
                                           =    + 
                                                   +  , 1 ≤  ≤ 
                                  = ∑   (−ℓ)  
            Following [10], we refer to model (3) as the switching observations model.
            Here, both the observation matrix and observed state vector depend on the
            regime  . There are in fact  different state vectors  , 1 ≤  ≤ , evolving
            independently according to a VAR() model determined by the   and  . At
            time , only one of these state vectors is observed through  . Dependencies
            between  observations,  state  vectors,  and  regimes  under  this  model  are
            depicted in Figure 1 (right panel). Model (3) can be viewed as a mixture-of-
            experts  neural  network  wherein  the  SSMs  specified  by  =   +   and
             = ∑     (−ℓ)  +   (1 ≤  ≤ ) are experts and ( ) is a gating network

            Figure 1: Directed acyclic graph representation of the studied switching space-
            models. Left: switching dynamics (2). Right: switching observations (3). Square
            nodes represent discrete variables and oval ones are Gaussian. Shaded nodes
            are observed while white one are hidden.

            3.  Model fitting by the EM algorithm
                A general presentation of the EM algorithm can be found in [9] and its
            specific implementation in model (1) is described in [7, 10]. For reasons of
            space, we omit a full presentation here and focus on our new developments.
            Let    = {( ,  ,  ,  ,  , ∑ ) ∶  1  ≤    ≤  ; ; }  be  the  collection  of  all

            parameters  in  model  (1),  with    = ( , … ,  )ˊ and    = ( )   For
            brevity  we  denote  the  measurements ( )         1: ,  the  state  vectors
                                                      1≤≤  by 
            () 1≤≤  by  1: , etc. We recall that only the measurements  1:  are observed
            whereas  both  the  state  vectors  1:  and  regimes  1:  are  unobserved.  We
            denote  the  complete  likelihood  function  (i.e.,  if   1:  ,   1:  ,   1:  were  all
            observed) by  (). We also denote the probability measure associated to
            model (1) by   and expectation under   by  .
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