Page 285 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 285

CPS2229 Diyana Amalina F. et al.
            These  statistics  is  used  primarily  by  the  government  as  inputs  for  the
            formulation of national development plans and monitoring the Malaysia Plan.
            In addition, these statistics is also widely used by the researchers as well as
            individuals for further analysis and research purposes.

            Survey Instruments and Data Collection Techniques
                Personal interview approach is used in collecting HIS data. Training was
            given to the officers in DOSM state’s office who were involved as enumerator
            in this survey. They will visit selected households to collect information on
            demography  and  income  using  a  set  of  bi-lingual  (Malay  and  English)
            structured questionnaires on the scopes of the survey.
                There were several modules included in the questionnaire. The household
            income  questionnaire  contains  identification  particulars  (would  be  head  of
            household  as  any  members  whether  male  or  female  which  is  an  income
            recipient and age 15 years and over), household member particulars,
                individual  and  household  income,  annual  household  income  payment
            during the last twelve (12) months and current transfer payment. To ensure
            the quality of the data, supervisor will perform certain checking procedures to
            detect and correct any error or omission during the survey.

            Scope and Coverage
                Target population for HIS 2019 is all households in Malaysia in both urban
            and rural areas. Individuals who live in residential institutions such as hostels,
            hotels, hospitals, old folk homes, prisons and welfare homes were excluded
            from the survey.

            Sampling Frame
                The sampling frame used for the HIS 2019 was based on the Household
            Sampling Frame i.e. a list of enumeration blocks (EBs) that were updated from
            time  to  time  subsequent  to  the  2010  Population  and  Housing  Census.
            Malaysia was  geographically divided into 79,000 enumeration blocks  (EBs).
            Furthermore, EBs were recognized as geographical contiguous areas of land
            with identified boundaries, contains about 80 to 120 living quarters with an
            average population of 500 to 600 people.
                Basically,  all  EBs  were  based  on  the  population  size  of  the  gazette
            boundaries. The EBs in the sampling frame was classified into either urban or
            rural areas. Urban areas were gazette area, with their adjoining built-up areas,
            which has a combined population of 10,000 or more as defined in the 2010
            Population and Housing Census. Meanwhile, gazette area with population less
            than 10,000 could be classified as rural area. In year 2018, there were about
            79,000 EBs in HIS sampling frame, with about 59,000 and 20,000 urban and
            rural EBs, respectively.

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