Page 286 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 286

CPS2229 Diyana Amalina F. et al.
                      The  sampling  frame  used  to  draw  a  HIS  sample  includes  78,976
                  enumeration blocks (EB) for urban and rural areas in strata 1 to strata 4 for
                  Peninsular  Malaysia  as  well  as  strata  1  to  0  in  Sabah  and  Sarawak.  The
                  definition of strata is as below:

                 Strata Code   Strata                        Description
                     1      Metropolitan    Population greater than 75,000
                     2      Large town    Population from 10,000 to 74,999
                     3      Small town    Population from 1,000 to 9,999
                     4      Rural         Population less than 9,999
                     5      Rural 1       Can reach from downtown in 30 minutes
                     6      Rural 2       Can reach from downtown in 30 minutes to one hour
                     7      Rural 3       Can reach downtown in one to two hours
                     8      Rural 4       Can reach from downtown in two to four hours
                     9      Rural 5       Can reach from downtown in four hours in one day
                     0      Rural 6       Can reach by helicopter, boat or other transportation
                                          and take more than one day.

                  Sampling Design
                      The two-stage stratified random sampling was adopted in this survey. The
                  strata were the primary stratum, which made up of the states in Malaysia,
                  including Federal Territories. The second stratum, which was made up of the
                  administrative districts by state and the tertiary stratum was made up of the
                  urban and rural formed within the second stratum.
                      The sampling involved two stages; the primary sampling unit (PSU) was
                  the enumeration blocks (EBs) which the selections of the sample is done using
                  Probability  Proportionate  to  Size  Sampling.  Meanwhile,  the  secondary
                  sampling unit (SSU) was living quarters (LQs) within each selected EB which
                  the selections is done using Systematic Random Sampling. On an average,
                  eight (8) LQs were randomly selected from each selected EBs. All households
                  within the selected LQs were included in the study.

                  Sample Size
                      The optimum sample size estimation was based on several inputs i.e. total
                  number of household 2018, average of household income, design effect and
                  response rate from the previous HIS 2016/17. The estimation is calculated for
                  each domain i.e. urban and rural at administrative district levels with several
                  choices of Relative Standard Error (RSE) value (5.0%, 6.0%, 7.0% and 10.0%) to
                  give an option of the sample size estimation. The final sample size for HIS 2019
                  is determined taking into consideration sample size and the RSE from previous
                  survey (HIS 2016/17) as well as capability in terms of burden for data collection
                  and  cost  involved.  In  general,  sample  size  is  increased  for  domain  with

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