Page 282 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 282

CPS2224 Habshah Midi et al.
                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Primarily, the least square fixed effect regression provides the best linear
                  unbiased  estimator  (BLUE)  under  the  assumptions  of  normally  distributed,
                  independent  and  identically  distributed  errors.    However,  the  presence  of
                  simultaneous distortions towards normality and homoscedasticity of the error
                  terms often lead to wrong statistical analysis and conclusions of the method.
                  Thus, this study proposes heteroskedasticity and outlier-robust estimator and
                  its algorithm are proposed to dampen the effects of heteroskedasticity and
                  also high leverage values.  In the first step of Two Step HO (TSHO) a procedure
                  is taken to reduce the influence of heteroskedasticity by placing appropriate
                  weights to the residuals.  Consequently, the second step guards against the
                  fatal effects of high leverage values by introducing robust weights.  The TSHO
                  uses residuals by RWGM(RDF) to warrant only true high leverage values to be
                  given low robust weights.  In this way, potential outliers or high leverage values
                  are investigated and dealt with appropriately.  The simulation and numerical
                  studies reveal the reliability of the respective TSHO algorithm.  Fixed effect
                  data are completely distorted in the presence of the highly contagious block
                  HLPs.  The success of TSHO regression in providing efficient estimates under
                  the  condition  of  heteroskedastic  and  non-normal  errors  show  that  when
                  weights can be estimated appropriately, weighted least squares becomes a
                  superior least squares analysis. (Carroll and Ruppert, 1982; Ryan, 1997).

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