Page 331 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 331

CPS2249 Azrin A. et al.
                 #   Key principles           Details                DOSM's practice
                1   Openness         •   Not referring to       •   Microdata disseminate
                                         unrestricted access or    based on request and
                                         open data                 objective of the data
                                     •   Data provided at       •   Minimal administrative
                                         minimal cost              charge
                2   Transparency     •   Metadata to be         •   Microdata metadata
                                         provided                  provided is
                                     •   Specification of       •   Conditions of the use of
                                         conditions of the use     the data is made
                                         of the data should be     available at the website
                                         made available
                3   Legal            •   Protection of privacy   •   Microdata disseminated
                    conformity and       and practices             bound to the Statistical
                    protection of                                  Act 1965 (revised 1989)
                4   Protection of    •   Applicability of       •   Copyright published on
                    intellectual         copyright                 the website
                    property                                    •   Microdata wholly
                                     •   Ownership of data         owned by DOSM
                5   Interoperability    •   Use of international   •   Microdata access
                                         standard of data          practiced by DOSM is
                                         documentation,            compliant to the
                                         particularly in access    international standard
                6   Quality          •   Compliance to the      •   DOSM is in the process
                                         process and methods       of establishing the
                                         of data quality           quality assurance
                                         assurance                 framework
                7   Security         •   Integrity and security   •   Integrity and security of
                                         of the data               the data is guaranteed
                                                                   in accordance to the
                                                                   DOSM Microdata
                                                                   Dissemination Policy
                8   Accountability   •   Periodic evaluation of   •   DOSM conducted pre,
                                         the data access           on-going and post
                                         arrangement to be         process evaluation
                   Based  on  the  table  above,  apparently,  the  practice  of  microdata
               dissemination practiced by DOSM is compliant to the key principles defined
               by the OECD.

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