Page 330 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 330

CPS2249 Azrin A. et al.
               misleading implications to the community. This will jeopardize DOSM’s image
               as the main national data producer. Hence, allowing access on the microdata
               will  avoid  the  possibility  of  misinterpreting  the  aggregated  data  or  the
               released statistics if the research community makes use of the data and come
               out with a high quality analysis and various statistical reports to support the
               official statistics.

               2.  Current Practice at DOSM
                   The  demand  or  data  request  is  increasing  every  single  day.  DOSM
               disseminate the microdata based on the demand and has been disseminating
               the microdata via various platforms over the years. There are a lot of benefit
               of  the  microdata  dissemination  such  as  reducing  the  duplication  of  data
               collection activities and it will broaden the use of existing data. However data
               dissemination is also entails risks and challenges.
                   The main challenge is disclosure risk. As a data disseminator, it is DOSM
               priority to prevent any disclosures of identities or sensitive information to the
               public. If this happen, DOSM may lose the trust from the public and the most
               serious consequence is violation of the statistics act.
                   2.1 Microdata in DOSM
                      Microdata is the unpublished data and to obtain the microdata, public
                   or user have two options. The first one, public or user should request and
                   apply to DOSM via e-Statistics. Secondly, if the user interested to have the
                   feel and look of the microdata, they may come to DOSM headquartes to
                   access it via one of our data dissemination sub-product; StatsDW MyLab.
                   StatsDW is DOSM datawarehouse and there are 3 external modules and
                   2 internal modules. StatsDW MyLab is the internal module and only can
                   be access in DOSM. Currently we have 215 of datasets in our StatsDW
                   comprises  of  172  Economic  datasets,  31  Social  datasets  and  12
                   Compilation datasets.
                   2.2 Core Principles of Microdata Dissemination
                      The  National  Statistics  Offices  of  other  countries  have  their  own
                   guideline and principles in the dissemination of microdata. Each NSO has
                   different approach and practice in establishing the key principles it should
                   comply to specifically in ensuring the safety and security of microdata. As
                   for  the  Organisation  for  Economic  Co-operation  and  Development
                   (OECD), the core principles defined in the microdata dissemination are as

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