Page 333 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 333

CPS2249 Azrin A. et al.
               3.  Conclusions
                   Basically,  DOSM  has  implemented  the  core  principles  of  microdata
               dissemination accordingly. However, it will need to strengthen the metadata
               dissemination of which it should be more comprehensive and can assist users
               to understand better the data provided and produce an accurate output from
               the analyses conducted. The metadata provided should explain in details the
               definitions,  concepts,  coverage,  variables  description,  history  of  the  data,
               statistical methods used, and etc. However, in terms of the implementation of
               statistical  disclosure,  DOSM  is  preferable  to  widen  the  microdata
               dissemination  by  giving  access  to  users  via  remote  data  access.  Currently,
               DOSM offers a microdata access via a paltform namely StatsDW MyLab to
               users. However, users are only allowed to access the platform at the DOSM
               premise.  In  order  for  DOSM  to  open  the  access  via  a  remote  data  access,
               DOSM must put security as the highest aspects to focused on. Apart from this,
               DOSM might have to empower and strengthen the Microdata Dissemination
               Policy especially in defining the variables to be disseminate via the remote
               data  access  platform.  In  maintaining  the  microdata  confidentiality,  it  is
               advisable to apply the SDL strategies accordingly which will require continued
               and dedicated effort or even budgetary planning and funding. As a result,
               DOSM will be able to fullfill the user's needs, at the same time, the information
               confidentiality remained safeguarded.

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