Page 334 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 334

CPS2253 Gabrielle Palermo

                              Weighting Longitudinal School Surveys with
                                 population changes: The case of Geres
                                            Gabrielle Palermo
                                        University of Southampton (UK)

               The  Longitudinal  Study  of  the  2005  School  Generation  (Geres)  is  the  first
               survey of its kind successfully achieved and remain the only one in Brazil. It
               aimed  to  observe  pupils’  achievements  in  mathematics  and  reading,  and
               changes  in  individual  performance  and  school  characteristics  over  junior
               school years, from 2005 to 2008 in five cities: Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte,
               Campinas, Campo Grande and Salvador. All pupils that were registered in the
               1st grade of the selected schools made up the Geres sample for the first wave.
               They were followed by five waves, two in 2005 and one every year from 2006
               to 2008. Also, the survey tracked additional pupils that joined the main grade
               currently  in  each  wave  in  the  selected  schools.  Each  city  represents  one
               stratum,  and  they  were  divided  into  three  to  four  strata  according  to  the
               schools’  administration  system:  state,  municipal,  private  and  exceptional
               schools. The survey had 17 strata in total, and they were called explicit strata.
               The  published  weights  include  weights  for  the  explicit  strata  at  wave  1.
               Furthermore, the survey report (Brooke and Bonamino, 2011) explained the
               implicit stratification, where each explicit stratum was divided by up to eight
               groups, according to the school size and socio-economic levels. This report
               defined  weights  for  the  first  wave  only,  for  schools  and  pupils  separately,
               though incomplete for pupils. There was not a subsample into the selected
               schools, then the inclusion probability of the selected pupils was the same as
               their  school.  The  municipal  schools  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  were  chosen  to  be
               studied. Following the weights’ report of the survey, we computed the weights
               for all pupils from the first wave to estimate the total of pupils and compared
               the  same  estimation  but  using  different  estimators,  considering  only  the
               schools’ weights for explicit and implicit strata. We proposed to compute the
               total of pupils that repeated one or more grades considering this observation
               at wave 4. Different cross-sectional weights were proposed, according to the
               population of interested. Longitudinal weights for pupils observed at wave 4,
               considering  some  of  the  combinations  of  the  previous  waves  were  also

               Educational survey; Mobility; Weight share method; Cross-sectional estimates.

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