Page 378 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 378

CPS2315 Nele C.
                  system, and the map is updated, including all of the relevant analytics. It is
                  time  to  stop  using  maps  to  communicate  and  to  start  using  dynamic
                  information  systems  that  overcome  the  technological  hurdles  that  keep
                  people from using these powerful tools to analyze spatial data.

                  2.  Methodology
                      A  population  census  is  the  most  important  and  costly  statistical  data
                  collection exercise conducted by a national statistical office (NSO). It involves
                  the total process of planning, collecting, compiling, evaluating, analyzing, and
                  disseminating demographic, economic, and social data. This data is usually
                  limited  to  a  specified  time  and  delimited  area,  whether  that  be  an  entire
                  country or just a well- delimited part of a country. It is usually conducted every
                  ten years, and the results provide a detailed, small-geographic-area snapshot
                  of the demographic, socio-demographic, and housing status of a country. It
                  also provides the basis for a wide range of sample surveys.
                      Statistics  South  Africa,  the  largest  and  arguably  the  most  advanced
                  national statistical office in Africa, now benefits from the HxGN Smart Census
                  solution. HxGN Smart Census was developed on Hexagon Geospatial’s M.App
                  Enterprise platform. It combines traditional GIS functionality with a powerful
                  workflow and workforce management tool to provide a  total solution that
                  covers  all  the  phases  of  a  census:  pre-enumeration  mapping,  digital
                  enumeration  (including  logistics,  workforce  training  and  management,
                  integration  with  existing  computer-assisted  personal  interviewing  (CAPI)
                  platforms, and dynamic progress reporting), as well as the dissemination of
                  census results through dynamic Smart M.Apps. The traditional census has 4
                  distinct  phases:  Pre-Enumeration  Planning,  Enumeration,  Post-Enumeration
                  Processing, and Dissemination.

                  Pre-Enumeration Planning
                      In preparation for a population and housing census, the entire country is
                  divided into small areas of land, each one small enough to be handled by one
                  interviewer  during  the  time  of  the  census.  This  is  referred  to  as  pre-
                  enumeration census mapping, or demarcation, and the resultant demarcated
                  areas are called Enumeration Areas (EAs). In some countries, such as Sweden
                  and Austria, door-to-door canvassing to collect census data has been replaced
                  by a registration-based census. However, in some parts of the world, such as
                  Africa,  civil registration and housing registers are not complete or current.
                  Therefore, a conventional census is an important source of information and
                  will remain relevant, if not critical, for many years to come.
                      To  conduct  a  door-to-door  census,  the  census  cartographer  needs  to
                  provide the census enumeration team with a set of unique maps covering the
                  entire  country  that  accurately  defines  the  boundaries  within  which  each

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