Page 379 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 379

CPS2315 Nele C.
            interviewer (enumerator) has to work during the enumeration phase of the
            census.  Furthermore,  today’s  user  community  demands  statistics  to  be
            provided within a spatial context. To facilitate this, desktop and server-based
            GIS solutions have become an important part of census data products and
                Censuses  are  by  far  the  costliest  statistical  data  collection  project  in  a
            country.  There  is  constant  pressure  on  NSOs  to  improve  efficiency  while
            cutting the costs associated with a census. Traditional desktop GIS software,
            in  combination  with  mobile  GIS  software,  is  the  current  standard  in  pre-
            enumeration census mapping. Since the costs associated with desktop and
            mobile  GIS  are  determined  by  the  numbers  of  users/licenses,  it  is  usually
            significant – especially in countries where large numbers of temporary GIS
            operators and fieldworkers are deployed to do the work.
                One license of HxGN Smart Census allows for unlimited users, resulting in
            significant cost savings. Although it does not have all the functionality of a
            high-end  desktop  and  mobile  GIS,  HxGN  Smart  Census  has  all  the  GIS
            functionality  required  to  do  pre-enumeration  census  mapping  and  more.
            Raster and vector data are processed on the client side, rather than the server,
            which enables sophisticated GIS functionality, including vector data capturing,
            attributing, redlining, measuring, and querying, directly on the client. HxGN
            Smart Census therefore eliminates the need for numerous sophisticated and
            costly desktop and mobile GIS licenses.
                HxGN Smart Census implies fewer desktop GIS licenses, but it does not
            imply replacement of the entire current GIS infrastructure that may exist at an
            NSO. Since it accesses any established spatial database server, such as Oracle
            Spatial or  SQL Server, HxGN  Smart Census can be used together with any
            desktop software, such as GeoMedia or ArcGIS. This is a huge advantage to
            NSOs where there is already an established GIS infrastructure and expertise on
            a particular platform. The status quo can either be retained with the addition
            of HxGN Smart Census to provide the increased software capacity required for
            the large temporary census workforce, or desktop GIS licenses that are no
            longer required can be replaced by HxGN Smart Census.
                Although  desktop  and  mobile  GIS  software  have  all  the  functionality
            required for census mapping, they have limitations when it comes to handling
            and managing project-specific workflows. This is a huge challenge which often
            requires use of a range of (usually unrelated) tools to establish and manage
            workflows. This leads to problems such as variances in interpretation of the
            methodology by different users and data integration issues that emerge as a
            direct  result  of  using  a  set  of  disparate  tools.  Ultimately,  it  introduces
            unnecessary  complexity  that  has  a  negative  impact  on  data  quality  while
            increasing the overall risks associated with the project.

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