Page 380 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 380

CPS2315 Nele C.
                      At  its  core,  HxGN  Smart  Census  has  highly  configurable  rules  and  a
                  powerful workflow engine. This is a key attribute of the software. This enables
                  Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to implement census mapping workflows and
                  feature-level  access  control  that  is  managed  by  a  single,  fully-integrated
                  system where all the parties, each with associated posts and roles, access the
                  same database(s) through a single web server. Each post is associated with
                  one or more roles, and each role has a specific set of tasks. Furthermore, access
                  to  the  system  is  through  standard  internet/intranet  security  protocols
                  involving a username and password.
                      The access control system allows a supervisor to allocate a specific unit of
                  work, referred to as a production unit (PU), to a particular user associated with
                  a specific post. The assigned user can only work on the assigned PU and can
                  only execute the tasks relevant to his/her role in that particular part of the
                  overall workflow. This eliminates duplication of efforts, since it is impossible
                  for two teams to work on the same PU at the same time. It is also impossible
                  for a user to do anything other than the tasks related to his/her role with
                  regards to the allocated PU at that particular step in the overall workflow.
                      Once  the  tasks  for  a  PU  are  completed,  the  PU  is  submitted,  and  the
                  supervisor  receives  a  notification.  This  then  triggers  a  set  of  quality
                  control/quality  assurance  (QC/QA)  steps,  after  which  the  work  is  either
                  accepted or rejected and sent back for correction.

                  Streamlined Project Management
                      A  census-mapping  project  is  usually  a  huge  undertaking,  with  a  large
                  workforce ranging from about 50 to more than 1000 persons, depending on
                  the size of the country, the methodology, and the project timeframe. Project
                  management is therefore a huge challenge. HxGN Smart Census enables the
                  GIS manager to manage the entire census mapping project using a single tool.
                  Since work allocation and task execution are performed on the same system,
                  the GIS manager knows exactly who is doing what at any particular moment
                  and, also, the overall status and progress of each phase of the project. And
                  since HxGN Smart Census has a strong spatial component, work scheduling
                  and progress tracking can be done using a combination of maps, tables, and
                      This  effectively  manages,  if  not  eliminates,  most  of  the  inefficiencies
                  common to census mapping projects. These inefficiencies include: suboptimal
                  scheduling  of  fieldwork  that  requires  field  teams  to  drive  unnecessary
                  distances between PUs, duplication of effort where the same PU is allocated
                  to two teams or operators, and obtaining of status reports from the field and
                  office and compiling of progress reports. HxGN Smart Census provides the
                  ability to detect a problem swiftly – long before it turns into a major crisis.

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