Page 400 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 400

CPS2449 Louisa Nolan et al.
                  syntactic differences for identical products) make it difficult to automatically
                  clean the data to a structured state that is ready for aggregation and analysis.
                      Optimus  is  a  natural  language  processing  (NLP)  pipeline  that  retrieves
                  vector representations of item descriptions and allows tiered grouping of both
                  syntactically (words that look the same) and semantically (words which are
                  contextually similar) similar descriptions. This produces a structured dataset
                  where each item can be classified across multiple hierarchical tiers. Data can
                  then be aggregated to an appropriate level or linked to existing taxonomies.

                  3.  Results
                      All the faster indicators show promise as early-warning indicators of large
                  changes in the economy, although none, on their own, should be used as
                  proxies for gross domestic product (GDP) or other official economic statistics.
                  Figure 3 shows a comparison of the quarterly VAT turnover index with GDP
                  from 2008 to 2018. The index is strongly negative during the recession, but
                  there  is  a  much  more  scattered  relationship  with  GDP  during  periods  of
                  greater stability. This demonstrates how novel uses of data can give a new
                  window  on  the  economy  (we  may  identify  economic  turning  points  more
                  quickly than waiting for official figures) but that care should be taken with
                  interpretation (the diffusion index is not a proxy for GDP).
                      The shipping indicators and road traffic indicators for HGVs are, as one
                  might expect, more closely correlated with trade in goods than with GDP, but
                  again, there is enough scatter in the relationship to make them unreliable as
                  a direct proxy, not least because we do not, at present, know what – if anything
                  –  is  being  transported  the  ships  or  lorries.  However,  the  geographical
                  granularity of these indicators is useful. Changes in activity in and around ports
                  is likely to have an economic impact, and if we can link this to the types of
                  products shipped at particular ports, we have the potential not only for an
                  early warning, but also perhaps some information about the types of industries
                  that might be affected.
                      ONS is now publishing the new faster indicators on a monthly basis (4).
                  They are published as research outputs, to reflect the fact that they are still in
                  development, whilst allowing users to explore them and offer feedback.

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