Page 410 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 410

CPS2460 Mustafa Dinc et al.
                  Classifications  (MSC),  which  provides  information  on  the  technology  being
                  used by the NSS; (ii) Census and Surveys (CS), which describes the intermediate
                  products of the NSS; (iii) Availability of Key Indicators (AKI), which focuses on
                  key  final  products  needed  for  policy;  and  (iv)  Dissemination  Practices  and
                  Openness (DPO), which evaluates the extent to which products are publicly
                  disseminated. It is easy to see that each of these dimensions is centrally related
                  to the statistical capacity of an NSS.

                      SPI Dimension 1: Methodology, Standards and Classifications (MSC):
                      Internationally accepted and recommended methodology, classifications
                  and standards provide the basis for national statistical offices (NSOs) on data
                  integration, facilitating data exchange and providing the foundation for the
                  preparation of relevant statistical indicators. This dimension aims to  assess
                  whether national statistical systems have the necessary capacity to adopt and
                  comply with international statistical standards.
                      To  keep  the  dimension  simple  and  comparable  across  countries,  the
                  selection is based on the categories under IMF SDDS standards that basically
                  cover the following sectors: real sector (national accounts, production index,
                  labor market, price indices etc.), fiscal sector (central government operations),
                  financial  sector  and  external  sector  (balance  of  payments,  external  debt).
                  Standards in the field of social statistics were also examined but not selected
                  due to lack of verifiable and actionable assessment criteria for all countries. A
                  variable on Civil Registration and Vital Statistical (CRVS) and GSBPM variable
                  are included under this dimension.
                      These  12  indicators  cover  a  major  portion  of  relevant  standards  and
                  methodologies. It is assumed that if national statistical systems have necessary
                  capacity (human, physical and financial), they will be able to adopt and employ
                  these standards and receive higher scores and rankings.

                      SPI Dimension 2: Censuses and Surveys (CS):
                      Data  collection  is  the  key  responsibility  of  national  statistical  systems
                  where  information  on  a  nation’s  population,  economy,  health  and  other
                  aspects are recorded in an accurate and timely manner. Through censuses and
                  surveys,  sometimes  together  with  administrative  systems,  the  NSSs  collect
                  data and generate aggregate indicators based on the results. This dimension
                  aims to check the availability and frequency of key censuses and inter-census
                  surveys.  The  use  of  administrative  data  in  producing  official  statistics,
                  particularly in advanced statistical systems, has become an integral part of the
                  data  production  process.  However,  due  to  verification  and  comparability
                  issues administrative systems are not included in the ranking.
                      This  dimension  covers  8  indicators  on  population  and  housing  census,
                  agricultural  census,  business  census,  income  and  expenditure  surveys  and
                  other surveys on agriculture, health, labor force and establishments.

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