Page 405 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 405

CPS2460 Mustafa Dinc et al.

                             Statistical performance index - Assessing
                        country-level statistical capacity on a global scale
                                     Mustafa Dinc, Juderica Dias
                                             World Bank

            Data  and  statistics  are  a  fundamental  requirement  for  evidence-based
            decisions. They are central to tracking results, and critical to holding decision-
            makers  accountable.    Governments,  international  agencies,  civil  society
            organizations,  and  the  private  sector  cannot  deliver  on  their  respective
            mandates without data and statistics.  Demands on national systems are rising.
            National  statistical  systems  need  to  become  more  agile  and  maintain  and
            deepen their overall capacities to meet the increasing demand for data and
            statistical  services.  This,  in  turn,  requires  continuous  monitoring  and
            evaluations of these systems. Statistical Performance Index (SPI) is one such
            tool that can help monitor and evaluate the performance of national statistical

            Statistical Capacity; Assessment tools; Statistical performance index; national
            statistical system

            1.  Introduction
                It  has  now  been  widely  recognized  that  relevant,  timely  and  quality
            statistics are essential for evidence-based policy formulation, decision making
            and for monitoring and evaluation of development progress. It has also been
            acknowledged that the quality of statistics is as good as the agencies that
            produce them. Availability of and access to timely and good quality data are
            critical to holding decision-makers accountable. Governments, international
            agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector cannot deliver on
            their respective mandates without data and statistics.
                The data is produced and disseminated at the country level by the national
            statistical  systems  to  inform  a  range  of  issues  –  social,  economic,
            environmental, and political.  These statistics must be relevant, timely, and
                National statistical systems need to become more agile and maintain and
            deepen their overall capacities to meet the increasing demand for data and
            statistical  services.  This,  in  turn,  requires  continuous  monitoring  and
            evaluations of these systems. Statistical Performance Index (SPI) is one such
            tool  that  can  help  monitor  and  evaluate  the  performances  of  national

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