Page 406 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 406

CPS2460 Mustafa Dinc et al.
                  statistical  systems.  This  paper  provides  a  succinct  discussion  about  the
                  Statistical Performance Index (SPI).

                  2.  Statistical capacity and assessment tools
                      Statistical capacity is the ability of National Statistical Systems to meet user
                  needs for relevant and good quality statistics on a  timely  manner. A well-
                  functioning  statistical  system  should  be  able  to  collect,  analyze,  and
                  disseminate  high-quality  data  about  its  population  and  economy.  Just
                  producing data, however, is not enough to demonstrate that the statistical
                  system has the capacity. The indicators, data series and other outputs must
                  meet the needs of users and must be provided in a form that supports their
                  widespread use. The data outputs need to be of good quality, published within
                  a time frame that means the data are still relevant and provided in a format
                  that users can access and use. It is also important that statistical systems are
                  open and transparent about their methods and procedures and provide access
                  to adequate metadata – detailed descriptions of the methods and procedures
                  used to produce the data. A capable statistical system should also be able to
                  bring about transformation that is generated and sustained over time from
                      As  an  object  of  study,  ‘capacity’  is  too  broad  a  concept  with  many
                  intangibles  and  elements  that  are  difficult  to  measure  and  often  quite
                  subjective. This fact is also true for the capacity of national statistical systems
                  that involve different data producing agencies and departments within a given
                  country. Therefore, it is very difficult to measure statistical capacity directly.
                      Even though it is quite difficult to measure, and it could be costly, it is
                  necessary to understand and assess the capacity of national statistical system
                  to identify weaknesses and strengths and to provide guidance for necessary
                      In the absence of direct measures, certain tools are customized to assess
                  capacity to for different purposes and audiences.  In general, there are four
                  main drivers to assess capacity:
                      •  To inform the national planning and strategic process that could help
                         national authorities develop strategic plans  for the improvement of
                         national statistical system. It could provide guidance for improving the
                         quality and scope of products available to users, identifying priorities
                         for improvement, and bringing coherence for donor support.
                      •  To  inform  program/project  design  and  implementation  process
                         focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the national statistical
                         systems,  their  current  human  resource  capacity,  infrastructure  and
                         governance arrangements.
                      •  To  assess  compliance  with  codes  of  practice  endorsed  by  relevant
                         international and/or regional organizations to assure and maintain the

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