Page 447 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 447

CPS2564 Tiffany Rizkika et al.
            3),  natural  cubic  spline.  Natural  cubic  spline  is  a  continuous  segmentation
            function and remains continuous on all derivatives so that it makes it very
            Model 1 uses a parametric aprroach to detect outlier (IQR), so the resulting
            model is called IQR.Spline. While Model 2 uses a non-parametric approach to
            detect  outlier  (KDE),  so  the  resulting  model  is  called  KDE.Spline.  The  time
            series-based will use previous period data in modelling, using the Nowcast
            Model proposed by Kim, Cha, and Lee (2017).

            4.  Result
                a)  Historical Data-Based (Volatile food price nowcasting)
                   1)  Visualization Crowdsourcing Data
                      The picture below shows the number of crowdsourcing data report
                    in weekly periods every commodity. It shows that the number of report
                    is unstable that cause the frequency of data wasn’t same everytime. So
                    before modelling, data will be preprocessed.

                   2)  Modelling with Training Data
                                              Neural Network   Neural Network   Neural Network
                              DLM Lag 1
              Commodity                            (2)           (3)           (3,2)
                           Daily     Weekly    Daily   Weekly   Daily   Weekly   Daily   Weekly
               Chicken   0,08332466   0,059171286   0,0827   0,0477   0,0831   0,0592   0,0834   0,0579
                Beef    0,001968903   0,001844379   0,0020   0,0018   0,0020   0,0018   0,0020   0,0018
                 Egg    0,019875244   0,02287047   0,0171   0,0159   0,0171   0,0221   0,0174   0,0230
                Chili   0,077096627   0,058217853   0,0578   0,1428   0,0757   0,1214   0,0651   0,1203
                Onion   0,108276312   0,099677708   0,1024   0,0675   0,0970   0,0712   0,0937   0,0308
              Low quality
                 rice   0,046325108   0,038070219   0,0266   0,0172   0,0260   0,0081   0,0256   0,0222
              quality rice   0,060732601   0,058284652   0,0424   0,0233   0,0334   0,0165   0,0174   0,0147

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