Page 450 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 450

CPS2564 Tiffany Rizkika et al.
                      Based on the table above, model 7 is the best of Nowcast Model.
                   4)  Comparison Model for Non-volatile food price
                      Here is comparison graph of HK-BPS price, IQR.Spline Model, KDE.Spline
                      Model, Nowcast Model (Model 7).

                  5.  Conclusion
                  1.  The study has shown that the best model to nowcast volatile food price
                      (weekly) is Distributed Lag Model.
                  2.  For non-volatile commodities, the IQR-Spline model perform best for long
                      bean and mackerel commodities whereas the KDE-Spline model best for
                      the commodity of instant dry noodles, peanuts, and vegetable tomato,
                      long beans, and mackerel.

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