Page 448 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 448

CPS2564 Tiffany Rizkika et al.
                  Table above shows the MAPE value of modelling using Distributed Lag Model
                  with Lag 1, NN RPROP with (2) Neuron, (3) Neuron, and (2,3) Neuron. Also with
                  the different period of data, daily and weekly. The minimum MAPE for DLM
                  model  (cell  with  yellow  highlight)  is  dominated  by  the  model  with  weekly
                  period data, where 6 commodities have the model with lower MAPE value.
                  While the minimum MAPE value for NN RPROP model (cell with blue highlight)
                  also dominated with by the model with weekly period data, but in different
                  number of neuron.
                  3)  Obtain the Best Model with Testing Data
                  After getting the best period of data in each modelling technique, testing data
                  is used to get the best technique between DLM and RPROP. The result is shows

                                           Tabel 3.4 The Best Model Result
                       Commodity                       Model                     Period

                         Chicken              = −16146.441 + 1.03          Weekly
                                                            + 0.55 −1
                           Beef               = 99547.486 + 0.012          Weekly
                                                            + 0.067 −1
                           Egg            1 Hidden layer dengan 2 neuron         Weekly
                           Chili          = 9253.229 + 0.186 + 0.643  −1    Weekly
                          Onion               = 26177.519 + 0.773          Weekly
                                                            − 0.835 −1
                       Low quality      2 Hidden layer with 3 and 2 neuron       Weekly
                       High quality           = 7554.825 − 0.807           Weekly
                           rice                             + 0.968 −1

                  b) Present Data-Based (Non-volatile food price nowcasting)
                  1)  Visualization Data
                     The following is an illustration of the distribution of crowdsourcing data on
                  mackerel  commodities. This  visualization  is  obtained  after  integrating  data
                  with market identity data. It is seen that the more days the officers have a
                  tendency to collect data in the morning and tend to gather in certain places.

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