Page 148 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 148

CPS1159 Philip Hans Franses et al.
                  intervals. For the first vintage of data in Table 8, we see from the p values for
                  the  Wald  test  in  the  last  column  that  only  since  March,  year  t,  the  null
                  hypothesis of no bias can be rejected (p value is 0.485). One month earlier, the
                  p value is 0.071, but for that month we see that  = 1 is not in 95% confidence
                  interval (0.787 with a SE of 0.098). Note by the way that the forecasts created
                  in the very last month of the current year (December, year t) are biased (p
                  value of 0.012), at least for the first release data.
                      Table 9 delivers quite intriguing results for the forecasts concerning the
                  most recent vintage of data. The p value of the Wald test becomes > 0.05 (that
                  is, 0.083) for the quotes in May, year  t, but note that  = 1 is not in 95%
                  confidence  interval  for  23  of  the  24  months.  Only  for  the  forecasts  in
                  December, year t, the forecasts do not seem biased (p value of 0.115, and  =
                  1 is in the 95% confidence interval (0.820 with SE of 0.088).
                      In sum, it seems that individual MZ regressions for vintages of data deliver
                  confusing  outcomes,  which  seem  hard  to  interpret.  Let  alone  that  we
                  effectively do not know who of the forecasters is targeting at which vintage.
                  Moreover, it seems that outcomes of the Symbolic MZ Regression are much
                  more coherent and straightforward to interpret. Of course, due to the very
                  nature of the data, that is, intervals versus points, statistical precision in the
                  Symbolic Regression is smaller, but the results seem to have much more face
                  value and interpretability than the standard MZ regressions.

                  Conclusion and discussion
                      Forecasts  created  by  professional  forecasters  can  show  substantial
                  dispersion. Such dispersion can change over time, but can also concern the
                  forecast  horizon.  The  relevant  literature  has  suggested  various  sources  for
                  dispersion. A recent contribution to this literature by Clements (2017) adds
                  another potential source of heterogeneity, and this is that forecasters may
                  target  different  vintages  of  the  macroeconomic  data.  Naturally,  the  link
                  between targets and forecasts is unknown to the analyst.
                      To alleviate this problem, we proposed an alternative version of the Mincer
                  Zarnowitz(MZ) regression to examine forecast bias. This version adopts the
                  notion  that  the  vintages  of  the  macroeconomic  data  can  perhaps  best  be
                  interpreted as interval data, where at the same time, the forecasts also have
                  upper and lower bounds. Taking the data as intervals makes the standard MZ
                  regression  a  so-called  Symbolic  MZ  Regression.  Simulations  showed  that
                  reliable inference can be drawn from this auxiliary regression. An illustration
                  for annual USA GDP growth rates showed its merits.
                      A limitation to the interval-based data analysis is the potential size of the
                  intervals.  More  dispersion  leads  to  less  precision,  and  statistical  inference
                  becomes less reliable. Also, the sample size for a Symbolic Regression should

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