Page 40 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 40

CPS667 Waleed Mohammed
                   •  Questions  must  be  asked  in  the  order  they  appear  on  the
                   •  Every question in the questionnaire must be asked.
                   •  The interviewer should wait for the respondent to finish talking before
                      starting to record their response. Failure to listen carefully can offend
                      the respondent and result in errors.
                   •  The interviewer should not interrupt the respondent, even if he or she
                      hesitates or is quiet for a while. Sometimes people initially answer, "I
                      don't really know" when in fact they are thinking about their answer.
                   •   After completing the interview, the interviewer should always check if
                      all the questions are asked and if the answers are consistent.
                   •  At the end of each interview, the respondent should be thanked for
                      their time and cooperation.
                   In  brief  ,  The  enumerators    has  get    many  benefits  from  using  brain
               storming as training approach for census 2017 such as knowing how to deal
               with differences and diversity of personalities and behaviors of respondents
               to answer questions posed in the census form, to reduce the errors of response
               and that arise from giving the respondent data is inaccurate or did not express
               the data to be obtained ,so brain storming session  is a good educational
               approach to make senior to know how to deal with the problems of  field work
               and how the enumerators should deals with it.

               1.  Nelson, M. W. (2009). A model and literature review of professional
                  skepticism in auditing. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 28(2), 1-
               2.  Deuja, A., Kohn, N. W., Paulus, P. B., & Korde, R. M. (2014). Taking a broad
                  perspective before brainstorming. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and
                  Practice, 18(3), 222.
               3.  Martinez, L., Falvello, V. B., Aviezer, H., & Todorov, A. (2016). Contributions
                  of facial expressions and body language to the rapid perception of
                  dynamic emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 30(5), 939-952.
               4.  Axtell, R. E. (1991). Gestures: the do's and taboos of body language
                  around the wor ld. Wiley
               5.  Meeren, H. K., van Heijnsbergen, C. C., & de Gelder, B. (2005). Rapid
                  perceptual integration of facial expression and emotional body language.
                  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
                  America, 102(45), 16518-16523.
               6.  Web site of national statistical office in Egypt: :at 14-

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