Page 42 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 42

CPS795 Nestor B.
               rainy season and precipitations in the time and space. To Le Barbé and al.[5]
               we got a reduction from 15 to 20 per cent of Benin yearly precipitations from
               the seventies.  Those kind of modifications can be very well analysed with
               stochastic method, taking into account random and dynamic aspects of rainy
               events occurrence.

               2.  Main Objectives
                   The objective of our work is to study a model stochastic able to describe
               and  analyze  the  variability  of  daily  rainfall  and  the  climatic  impact  on  the
               precipitation at Benin.  For that we will break down the study in several stages:
                  1.  Build a stochastic model, we realize the implementation of a Markov
                     hidden model with a  periodicity on the Markov chain (which is non-
                     homogeneous)  and  a  mixture  as  a  law  of  emission,  the  study of  the
                     ergodicity  of  the  Markov  chain,  and  finally  the  identifiability  of  the
                  2.  Implementation of an EM algorithm for the adjustment of the data to
                     model by the maximum likelihood method in using the Baum-Welch
                     procedure and the Viterbi algorithm.
                  3.  Estimation of a break in the model corresponding to a climatic evolution
                     by likelihood ratio.
                  4.  Application to the series of daily levels of precipitation in Benin.
               Materials and Methods

                                      Station    start   end    days
                                      Cotonou    1952   2007   20440
                                      Bohicon    1940   2007   24820
                                        Save`    1921   2007   31755
                                      Parakou    1921   2007   31755
                                       Kandi     1921   2007   31755
                                     Natitingou   1921   2007   31755
                         Table 1:  Start, end and length of daily precipitation

                   We assume that the set of the generating mechanisms of the precipitations
               is a process hierarchical unobserved. For the analysis of such a system of data,
               the hidden Markovs models (HMMs) are more adapted. These models not only
               take in account the observed precipitations but also the risk to the level of the
               generating processes of its observations.
                  A   hidden   Markov   model   is   a   discrete-time   stochastic   process
               {( ,  )} such that (i) { } is a finite-state Markov chain, and (ii)  given
               { },{ } is a sequence of conditionally independent random  variables
               with the conditional distribution of   depending on { } only throught
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