Page 46 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 46

CPS795 Nestor B.
                  Professor  Laurent  BORDES  (UPPA),  Professor  Simplice  DOSSOUGBETE  (UPPA)
               Professor Abel AFOUDA (UAC) and Professor Norbert Mahouton HOUNKONNOU
                  EDULINK for his financial help during my stays (2010-2011, 2011-2012) at the
               University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour and University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour for
               his financial help during my sejourn at Pau in 2014.

               1.  AFOUDA, P. ADISSO, Etude stochastique des structures de se´quence
                  se`che au Be´nin. IAH240 (1997).
               2.  L.  BORDES,  P.  VANDEKERKHOVE,  Statistical  inference  for partially
                  Hidden Markov Models, Communication in Statistic- Theory and Method
                  34, (2005) 1081-1104.
               3.  O. CAPE, E. MOULINES, T. RYDEN Inference in hidden markov models,
                  (Springer-New York, 2005).
               4.  L.  LANGROCK,  W.  ZUCCHINI,  Hidden  Markov  models  with arbitrary
                  state dwell-time distribution, Comp. Stat. Data anal 55, (2010) 715-724.
               5.  Le BARBE L., ALE G., MILLET B., TEXIER H., BOREL Y.,  GUALDE R.,  Les
                  ressources en eaux superficielles de la Rpublique du Bnin, Ed.
                  ORSTOM Paris, France., (1993).540p.
               6.  J.  SANSOM, P.  THOMSON, A hidden seasonal switching model for high
                  resolution breakpoint rainfall data, Water Res. 46, W08510, (2010).

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