Page 137 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 137

CPS2047 Kamaruzaman Mohamed et al.
               due to the decreasing of birth rate and long-life expectancy and an impact of
               migration injected by job opportunities offered in Johor.
                   Male’s elderly are believe to be higher than females. For future study, it is
               recommended to investigate the aging population between the ethnic group
               in Johor. In addition, it also recommended to investigate the aging population
               in small area such as mukim in each district.

               1.  Japan’s demographic time bomb is getting more dire, and it’s a bad
                   omen for the country- Jeremy Berke, Business Insider US
               2.  The issue of Japan’s Aging Population- Dallin Jack, University of Chicago
                   Law School
               3.  .Impacts of Population Aging in Modern Japan and Possible Solutions for
                   the Future- Ritgerð til BA-prófs í Japönsku máli og menningu, Eggert Örn
               4.  United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population
                   Division (2017). World Population Ageing2017 (ST/ESA/SER.A/408).
                   Retrieved from
               5.  United Nations Population Fund (2012). Ageing in the Twenty-First
                   Century: A Celebration   and A Challenge. Retrieved from
               6.  United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population
                   Division (2017). World Population Prospects 2017 - Data Booklet
               7.  Samad, I.A & Mansor, N. (2013). Population Ageing and Social Protection
                   in Malaysia. Malaysia Journal of Economic Studies 50(2), 139-156.
                   Retrived from
               8.  Tey, N.P., Siray, S., Kamaruzzaman, S.B., Chin, A.V, Tan, M.P., Sinnapan,
                   G.S., & Muller, A.M. (2015). Aging in multi-ethnic Malaysia. The
                   Gerontological Society of America      56(4),   603-  309.
               9.  Alfian, H. (2017). 9.6 Million Senior Citizens Expected In M'sia By 2050,
                   Why This Is Worrying. Retrieved from
                   citizens-expected-in-m-sia-by-2050-why-this-is worrying.html?
               10. Department of Statistics Malaysia (2015). Population Distribution and
                   Basic Demographic Characteristic Report 2010. Population &
               11. Department of Statistics Malaysia (2017). Population and Demographic
                   Ageing. Population & Demography Division BPPD Newsletter.

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