Page 141 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 141

CPS2048 Md Zobaer H. et al.
               Where, for each DMU s is output observation, m is input observation, r is  ℎ
               output,  i  is   input,    is   output  for  time period  t,   is   input  for
               time period t, n is DMU observation, j is   DMU,  is no-negative scalar,  is
                ℎ   input  for  nth  DMU,    is   ℎ   output  for   ℎ   DMU,    is  a  scalar
               representing the value of efficiency score for each DMU. Similar method is
               applied for   DMUs. To measure the technical efficiency, the software DEAP
               version 2.1 is used.
                   The  production  theory  is  proposed  by  Cobb  and  Douglas  (1928)  and
               named  “Cobb  Douglass  production  theory”.  He  develops  the  production
               theory  by  using  of  labour,  capital,  production,  value,  and  wages  for  the
               manufacturing firms. In order to measure statistical noise, Aigner et al. (1977)
               added symmetric error term to the deterministic frontier. The model expressed
                          =    + ( −  ),  = 1,2, … . . ,  = 1, … ,                          (2)
               where,   is (the logarithm of) the production of the   firm in the   time
               period;   is a k×1 vector of (transformations of the) input quantities of the
                ℎ  firm in the  ℎ  time period;   are random variables which are assumed to
               be iid  (0,  ) and  is an vector of unknown parameters.
                                             =   −(−)                       (3)
               where   are the inefficiency level of the  ℎ  producer at time T and  is an
               unknown parameter. The term   is express as technical efficiency for the  ℎ
               firm in the  ℎ  time period define by using stochastic  frontier model (2)  as
               follows (Battese & Coelli, 1988):
                                             =  −                           (4)
               Here,  is  the  stipulations  of  the  inefficiency  model  in  equation  (3).  The
               maximum-likelihood estimates are used to measure the parameters of the
               stochastic frontier model. The software package FRONTIER 4.1 of Coelli (1996)
               were used in order to carry out the SFA.
               Empirical form of Stochastic Frontier Model
                   The Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production model’s functional form
               is defined as:
                       )            )         )         )        )        )        )       (5)
                 ln(ROE  =  0 +  1  ln(TV  +  2 ln(DPS  +  3 ln(MC  +  4 ln(P   +  5 ln(FL  + (  −  
               where, the subscripts  and  represents the  ℎ  year and  ℎ  company of the
               observations, and  = 1,2,….26;  = 1,2,…10. The five input variables are total
               volume (TV), dividend per share (DPS), market capital (MC), price to book ratio
               (PB) and financial leverage (FL). The output variable is return on equity ROE.
               “ln” represents the natural logarithm.
               Combination of DEA and SFA (CDS)
                   The average of DEA and SFA efficiency scores are called the combination
               of DEA and SFA (CDS).

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