Page 140 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 140

CPS2048 Md Zobaer H. et al.
                   SFA  is  become  most  frequently  used  procedure  because  it  segregate
               statistical noise from the effect of inefficiency (Kumbhakar & Lovell, 2003). In
               spite of this, SFA speculates a distinct probability distribution for the efficiency
               level. The DEA skips this sorts of specification error and it does not need a
               prior  production  function  for  efficiency  (Dong  et  al.  2014).  In  DEA,  all
               deviations from the frontier are measured as inefficiency and it does not allow
               for random errors in the optimization which is its main drawback. Therefore, if
               any noise exists, this may exaggerate the common inefficiency. Consequently,
               two  methods  (DEA  and  SFA)  have  their  advantages  as  well  as  drawbacks
               (Huang  &  Wang  2002).  Many  researchers  (Casu  et  al.  (2004),  Delis  and
               Papanikolaou  (2009),  Weill  (2004))  found  that  the  consistency  of  efficiency
               derived from DEA and SFA is not significant. For this reason, this study will also
               concentrate on finding the combination of the DEA and SFA efficiency scores
               which will be a new experiment in literature perspective. However, Fernandes
               et al. (2018) and Altunbas et al. (2007) found that there is a strong connection
               between efficiency and profit risk, because inefficient financial firm tend to
               take less risk by investing and hold more capital. Fernandes et al. (2018) found
               that profit risk has a positive effect on the efficiency of peripheral European
               domestic banks.
                   This study will be a new idea for the estimation of financial company’s
               efficiency by using the combination of DEA and SFA in respect to developing
               counties  like  Malaysia.  The  study  provides  a  unique  setting  to  calculate
               financial efficiency matric and find the effect of efficiency on profit risk by
               using regression analysis. Moreover, these findings could provide useful and
               important signal in case of decision making for management.

               2.  Methodology
                   The  best  way  to  introduce  DEA  is  via  the  ratio  form.  For  each  DMU
               (decision making unit) needs to obtain a measure of the ratio of all outputs
               over all inputs, such as  =       . Where,   is an Mx1 vector of output weight
               for   firm and   is a Kx1 vector of input weight of   firm. To select optimal
               weight we specify the mathematical programming problem:

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