Page 179 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 179

CPS2056 Nurul Hafizah Azizan et al.
               are  subjective  in  nature,  which  is  also  referred  to  as  latent  constructs.
               Therefore, extra caution should be given when constructing a questionnaire
               with these types of variables. This is to ensure that the questionnaire clearly
               depicts the actual meaning of the variables to be investigated.
                   In  practice,  these  types  of  constructs  will  be  measured  indirectly  using
               several indicators or multiple reflective items with appropriate types of rating
               scale to represent these components. This enables the respondents to provide
               their responses based on the scales corresponding to the items. Based on the
               responses given by respondents, the composite scores of these multiple items
               will be computed as  a  single meaningful factor(s)  where it can be used in
               further analyses. Since these latent constructs are subjectively measured, it is
               crucial for the researchers to ensure that the measurement instrument used
               for  the  survey  meets  the  psychometrics  requirements  of  both  validity  and
               reliability.  It  is  acknowledged  that  the  development  of  questionnaire  as  a
               measurement  instrument  for  a  survey  that  fulfils  requirement  of  the
               psychometric properties is not an easy task. It requires several important steps
               to be followed which takes considerable time and effort from the researchers.
                   The utility of the measurement instrument will depend on its quality, as it
               can  be  useful  if  certain  psychometric  and  practical  requirements  are  met
               (Shultz, Whitney, & Zickar, 2013). The quality of measurement instrument can
               be  affected  by  many  factors  and  this  requires  careful  attention  at  the
               beginning  of  the  questionnaire  development.  As  Radhakrishna  (2007)
               remarked, a systematic development of a valid and reliable questionnaire is a
               must to reduce measurement errors. Designing a questionnaire that produces
               usable  data  is  not  as  easy  as  it  might  seem.  In  fact,  the  development  of
               inappropriate  instrument  will  lead  to  poor  quality  of  data,  misleading
               conclusions  and  affect  the  recommendation  to  be  given  (Boynton,  2004),
               consequently leading to ineffective corrective action taken to deal with the
               problems  in  hand.  A  well-developed  questionnaire  will  produce  precise
               findings. This is because it could avoid or reduce potential errors and biases,
               which  will  lead  to  better  quality  data.  Only  with  appropriate  and  well-
               developed questionnaire, a relevant information can be obtained and better
               decision can be made.
                   Therefore, before the questionnaire can be distributed to the respondents,
               it is advisable to follow three main guidelines to minimise bias in a survey
               research as highlighted by Sekaran and Bougie (2016). These include principles
               of  wording,  principles  of  measurement  and  general  appearance  of  the
               questionnaire.  In  constructing  a  questionnaire,  any  researcher  should  take
               particular  concern  on  the  measurement  to  be  used.  This  is  because
               measurement is fundamental in any scientific research. Sekaran and Bougie
               (2016) mentioned that measurement of the variables has become an integral
               part of research, where the variables of interest should be measured correctly

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