Page 176 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 176
CPS2055 Asanao S. et al.
The is nuisance. The sample size was set to 500. On average, approximately
70% of the subjects experienced the event. Table 2 lists the average values and
standard deviations of the Harrell’s C, integrated Brier scores, and tree sizes.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
In this study, we consider the concordance probability-based splitting
criterions for constructing a survival tree. We proposed the new method to
construct the tree model that maximizes prediction accuracy based on the
CART. We study the performance of the splitting ability of the criterion based
on concordance probabilities, and compare the survival trees constructed by
proposed method and conventional methods through simulations. From the
simulation results, our proposed approach has the advantage to construct the
model with high prediction performance.
Table 2: The average and standard deviation of the Harrell’s C, integrated
Brier scores, and tree sizes.
Harrell’s C Integrated Brier Tree size
Criterion (std.) Score (std.) (std.)
̂ 0.612 (0.010) 0.542 (0.018) 5.8 (4.6)
̂ 0.610 (0.013) 0.557 (0.031) 11.9 (10.1)
̂ 0.602 (0.006) 0.542 (0.009) 4.2 (2.1)
̂ 0.601 (0.013) 0.584 (0.020) 22.9 (2.3)
Log rank test 0.604 (0.013) 0.539 (0.009) 2.2 (0.5)
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