Page 209 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 209

CPS2062 Nurul Fatihah M. et al.
                   The  table  below  shows  the  components  or  subgroups  for  the  highest
               spending  for  expenditure  group  by  household,  which  is  housing,  water,
               electricity, gas and other fuels for the year 2016.
                                                                   Amount     Percentage
                  Subgroups of expenditure
                                                                    (RM)         (%)
                  Imputed rent                                           580.77    59.93
                  Rental paid                                            153.75    15.86
                  Electricity                                            114.19    11.78
                  Water supply                                             37.70    3.89
                  Services for the maintenance and repair                  37.63
                  of the dwelling (including materials)                             3.88
                  Gas                                                      19.23    1.98
                  Materials for the maintenance and repair                 15.75
                  of the dwelling                                                   1.62
                  Other services relating to the dwelling n.e.c.              7.12    0.73
                  Sewage collection                                           2.19    0.23
                  Refuse collection                                           0.38    0.04
                  Other fuels                                                 0.32    0.03
                  Liquid fuels                                                0.11    0.01
                  Total                                               969.13      100.00
                Table 3.2: Subgroups for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels for the year
               The  CAGR  between  two  subsequent  survey  years  were  also  calculated  at
               nominal value using Equation 2.7 and then recorded as follows:

                    Year       1998/99*     2004/05     2009/10      2014         2016
                    CAGR         6.8%        4.5%        2.3%        9.8%        6.0%
                     Table 3.3: CAGR of mean monthly household consumption expenditure

               4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                   The CAGR shows a  decline in growth from the survey year 2004/05 to
               2009/10 as well as from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, the mean monthly household
               consumption expenditure for Malaysia increased from RM3, 578 in 2014 to
               RM4, 033 in 2016 which grew at 6.0% per annum at nominal value. In terms of
               real value which refers to constant price using the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
               with the base year 2010 as the deflator, annual growth rate is 3.9% for the
               same period.
                   Based on Figure 3.1, it can  be seen that for the first two  survey years,
               expenditure  item  food  and  non-alcoholic  beverages  tops  the  composition
               with 23.8% in 1993/94 and 22.6% in 1998/99. However, for the next four years,
               Malaysians were seen to spend the most on expenditure item housing, water,
               electricity,  gas  and  other  fuels  with  22.0%,  22.6%,  23.8%  and  24.0%

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