Page 266 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 266

CPS2084 Siti Aisyah Mohd Padzil et al.
               1.  Aisyah. M.P.S., Khuneswari, G.P. and Rohayu, M.S. (2018). Model-Building
                   of Multiple Binary Logit using Model Averaging. International Journal of
                   Engineering and Technology, pp. 224-228.
               2.  Anyanwu, John C. (2014). Marital status, household size and poverty in
                   Nigeria: evidence from the 2009/2010 survey data. African Development
                   Review, 26(1) pp. 118-137.
               3.  Bursac, Z. et al. (2008). Purposeful Selection of Variables in Logistic
                   Regression: Macro and Simulation Results. Section on Statistical
                   Computing, pp. 1886-1891.
               4.  Chai, T. and Drexler, R. R. (2014). Root Mean Square Error or Mean
                   Absolute Error? Arguments against avoiding RMSE in the literatures.
                   Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 1247-1250.
               5.  Claeskens, G. and Hjort, N, L. (2008). Model Selection and Model
                   Averaging. United Kingdom: University Press, Cambridge.
               6.  Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of
                   Statistics, 6, pp. 461–464.
               7.  Hoeting, J. A., D. Madigan, and A. E. Raftery. (1999). Bayesian model
                   averaging: A tutorial. Statistical Science, (14), pp. 382–417.
               8.  Hurvich, C. M. and Tsai, C. L. (1989). Regression and time series model
                   selection in small samples. Biometrika ,76, pp.297-307.
               9.  Khuneswari, G.P., Aisyah. M.P.S. and Rohayu, M.P. (2018). Model
                   Selection and Model Averaging on Mortality of Upper Gastrointestinal
                   Bleed Patients. IOSR-JDMS, 11(8), pp. 68-78.
               10.  Kutner, M.H., Nachtsheim, C.J. and Neter, J. (2008). Applied Linear
                   Regression Models. 4th edition. (McGraw-Hill Inc.: Singapore.
               11.  Parthiban, S.G. (2018). Poverty measurement revisited from a
                   multidimensional perspective among Universiti Sains Malaysia's B40
                   poor students. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 14(4), pp.299-
               12.  Posada, D. and Buckley, T, R. (2004) Model Selection and Model
                   Averaging in Phylogenetics:advantages of Akaike Information Criterion
                   and Bayesian Approaches Over Likelihood Ratio Tests. Systematic
                   Biology, 53(5), pp. 793-808.11.
               13.  Raftery, A. E. (1999). Bayes factors and BIC: Comment on A critique of the
                   Bayesian information criterion for model selection. Sociol. Methods Res,
                   27, pp. 411–427.12.
               14.  14.Rasyid, Rusman. et al. (2018). Problem and solution of poverty
                   household in Makassar city, Indonesia. Academy of Strategic
                   Management Journal, 7(6).
               15.  15.Saidatulakmal, Mohs. (2014). Poverty Issues Among Malaysian
                   Elderly.Proceeding of the Social Sciences Research, pp. 123-132.

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