Page 264 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 264

CPS2084 Siti Aisyah Mohd Padzil et al.

               where, N is the total number of sample,  is the actual value of dependent
               variables and ̂ is the estimated value of Y.

               3.  Result
                   This paper will only show the results for the full models produced using
               MA  and  AMA.  Khuneswari  et  al.  (2018)  had  provide  a  clear,  step  by  step
               illustration of MA guidelines for further understanding. Table 2 and Table 3
               shows the best models formed using MA and AMA with two different weights
               ( and ) for Household Income data.

                   In order to select the final best model of Household Income data, as well
               as to examine which method will produce better performance model, accuracy
               measure as in Table 4 is computed.

                   Results  above  shows  a  small  difference  of  accuracy  measure  among
               models. When comparing the performance of model selection criteria, both
               MA and AMA approach shows a smaller error when  is used for weight
               computation. For the performance of modelling method, AMA gives a slightly
               lower error in the best model which concludes that the final best model of
               household income to determine the poverty status is

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