Page 262 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 262

CPS2084 Siti Aisyah Mohd Padzil et al.
               2.2 Multiple Binary Logit
                   Multiple  Binary  Logit  (MBL)  or  often  called  as  Logistic  Regression  is  a
               variation  to  ordinary  linear  regression  and  is  used  when  the  dependent
               variable is binary taking on values 0 and 1. The basic general model of MBL
               was defined by (Kutner et al. 2008) s in Equation (1).

               where  represent the response variable, β0 is the constant coefficient,  is
               the number of covariates and  is the random error for the model.
                   The results of success/ failure for MBL is presented in forms of probability
               values which is in between 0 and 1. For example, probability of 0.75 explain
               that  there  are  75%  chances  of  success  (1)  to  occur  and  vice  versa.  Unlike
               Multiple regression, the  do not gives the probability results, instead the
               probability,  can be obtain using Equation (2).

               2.3 Model Averaging and Alternative Model Averaging
                   Model Averaging discussed in (Claeskens and Hjort, 2008) was proposed
               to deal with underestimation of parameter estimates issue which come from
               Model Selection. MA applies weights to all possible models, so that the final
               best model will include all variables being studied and covariates with higher
               importance will receive more weight. According to Posada and Buckley (2004),
               MA will shrink the estimates of a weaker variables. In this study, the weight
               calculation will be based on  and  as in (Hurvich and Tsai,1989) and
               (Schawarz, 1978) respectively. The formula for weight,  is as in Equation

               where m is all possible models,  = 1, 2, 3 …,  and  is the model selection
               criterion.  MA  aims  to  incorporate  the  estimates  of  potentially  good
               model  by  averaging  the  weights  of  all  possible  models  to  produce
               estimator for the best model. Equation (4) shows the formula to obtain
               coefficients estimates for each covariate which average the weights for
               all possible models.

               where  ̂ (,) is the estimate of βp under model for m = 1,2,…, M.
                   Figure 1 summarized the step and procedure of obtaining MA best model
               based on (Aisyah et al. 2018) as well as AMA procedure.

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