Page 56 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 56

CPS2028 Ayon M.
                  better treatment arm. A critical assumption made here is that the survival times
                  and the censoring times are independent. Since patients arrive sequentially in
                  the  clinical  trial  and  are  observed  until  the  end  of  the  trial,  the  type  of
                  censoring considered here is the generalized Type I right censoring scheme.
                  This  section  discusses  the  method  of  derivation  of  this  allocation  function
                  using two optimal allocation approaches which target the derived allocation
                     Since clinical trials are complex experiments with multiple experimental
                  objectives, a formal optimization procedure can be used to develop the CARA
                  randomization procedures. Treating the baseline hazard as arbitrary makes the
                  design more dependent on the observed data as compared to that of the
                  designs  based  on  parametric  models.  Such  designs  therefore  increases  its
                  applicability in real-life clinical trials.The hazard function plays an important
                  role in any survival trials. Let  ()be the probability of event before censoring
                  for a patient with treatment k and with covariate vector z,and √ −1 ( () ,   be
                  the  principal  square  root  of  the  inversed  weighted  variance  matrix  of  the
                  covariates among the individuals at risk at time   .One way to meet most of
                  the multiple experimental objectives in a clinical trial is to minimize the overall
                  hazard for a patient with a given covariate, subject to the constraint of keeping
                  the  asymptotic  variance  of  the  difference  between  the  estimated  hazard
                  functions for the two treatment groups to be constant. This is done by

                  where    ()  is  the  observed  inforation  matrix  for  the  Cox  regression
                  coefficients. The optimal allocation proportion for treatment A is given by:

                     One can use other metrics of treatment difference and obtain different
                  optimal allocations. For instance, minimizing the overall trial size, subject to
                  the constraint of keeping the asymptotic variance of the difference between
                  the estimated hazard functions for the two treatment groups to be constant,
                  leads  to  the  Neymann  allocation.  The  Neymann  allocation  function  for
                  treatment A is given below:

                                                                      43 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61