Page 58 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 58

CPS2028 Ayon M.
                  existing control. The next is the positive treatment effect, which refers to the
                  hypothetical experimental scenario where treatment A is more effective than
                  treatment B, or the new treatment performs better than the control. The third
                  scenario  focuses  on  the  negative  treatment  effect,  which  refers  to  the
                  hypothetical experimental scenario where treatment B is more effective than
                  treatment A, or, in the case of comparing a new treatment with a control, this
                  means that the new treatment is not as effective as the control. The procedure
                  used  here  is  a  fully  sequential  one  that  recalculates  the  randomization
                  probabilities for every new patient over 5,000 simulation runs for 400 patients,
                  each arriving sequentially into the trial. The censoring scheme considered here
                  is generalized type I right-censoring. The patient’s arrival pattern is simulated
                  from a uniform(0,365) distribution, whereas the response of a patient is added
                  to the recruitment time of the patient, and patients whose outcomes have not
                  been observed by a specified time are said to be generalized type I right-
                  censored. The length of the recruitment period is 365 days and the overall trial
                  duration is taken to be 581.66 days. Following Rosenberger, Vidyashankar and
                  Agarwal (2001), a covariate structure of three independent covariates have
                  been generated. These are Gender (Bernoulli, p = 0.5), Age (Uniform[30,75])
                  and Cholestrol Level (Normal [200,400]). The survival time of a patient with
                  covariate vector   = (1,  ,  ,  )  in treatment group  is simulated from the
                  Weibull  distribution  with  scale  parameter   () = exp( ) and  shape
                  parameter   =  1.07527. Since there are three predictive covariates in the
                  model, the direction and magnitude of the treatment difference will vary for
                  the patients, depending on their observed covariate values.
                     In survival trials, the delay time for a patient is the patient’s survival or
                  censoring  time.  To  facilitate  CARA  designs  with  delayed  responses,  it  is
                  required that, at the   patient’s randomization time, only data from those
                  patients  who  have  responded  before  the   patient’s  arrival  are  used  for
                  computing the randomization probability for the   patient. In practice, an
                  assumption of immediate responses is infeasible due to inherent delay in time-
                  to-event outcomes. For the implementation of the CARA designs, initially 2
                  patients have been equally allocated to the two treatment arms using a Efron’s
                  Biased Coin design. Here,   is a  positive integer, and, following Sverdlov,
                  Rosenberger and Ryeznik (2013), it is chosen to be 40 for each treatment arm.
                  For  appropriate  implementation  of  the  ERADE  designs  Hu,  Zhang  and  He
                  (2009)  recomended  that  it  is  reasonable  to  choose   ,  the  degree  of
                  randomness of the design, to be between 0.4 to 0.7. When  is smaller, the
                  ERADE is more deterministic and has a smaller variability. Hu, Zhang and He
                  (2009) showed that the ERADE response-adaptive designs give similar results
                  when   =  0.5 as compared to when   =  0.67. Here, for the implementation
                  of the ERADE designs,  is chosen to be 0.55, whereas for the implementation

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