Page 55 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 55

CPS2028 Ayon M.
            defined  as  the  set  of  individuals  still  at  risk  at  time   ,  where   is  the 
            ordered event time. Let the hazard for the   individual, with covariate vector
              ,  be  h(|  ) =  h(t| = 0)     where  h(t| = 0)  denotes  the  baseline
            hazard function.This calculates the hazard rate when all the covariate values
            for a patient is set to zero. Throughout this paper it is assumed that the survival
            responses follow a continuous time model, so that only one event occurs at
            any one time. Therefore, the conditional probability is given by;

                Thus  the  baseline  hazard  cancels  out  from  the  expression.  This  is  the
            essence of the analyis: to evaluate the conditional probability the hazard at
            the  event  times  ti  only  needs  to  be  considered.  The  product  of  these
            conditional probabilities over all the ordered event times    is  termed the
            partial likelihood, where j(i) is the index of the individual who dies at the 
            time :

                It can be seen from equation (4) above that the individual times ti do not
            appear  in  the  expression  of  partial  likelihood.  This  can  be  justified  by  the
            argument that in the absence of a parametric form for the hazard, there is no
            information about its value between successive   : it could quite possibly be
            zero. It follows that the partial likelihood is a function of only the ranks of the
            times and it would be unchanged if the time scale were transformed by any
            monotonic transformation.

            3.  The Proposed CARA Designs
                Let   and   be the population characteristics representing the treatment
            effects of A and B, respectively. During the initial phase of the trial, one uses
            some restricted randomization procedure to allocate the initial 2  patients
            equally among treatments A and B, where   is a positive integer. This ensures
            that at least   patients are allocated to each treatment, and   is chosen so
            that estimates of the parameters ( ,  )  can  be obtained from this initial
            sample.  At  stage   ,  one  computes  the  partial  likelihood  estimates
            ( ̂  ,  ̂  ) based  on  the  responses  of  the  first  patients,  eliminating  the
            effects  of  the  prognostic  factors.  When  the (  +  1)  patient  enters  the
            clinical  trial  with  covariate  vector   + 1 ,  this  patient  is  randomized  to
            treatment  A  with  probability ( ̂  ,  ̂  ,  + 1) where 0  ≤  (. ) ≤  1 is  an
            allocation  function  which  bridges  the  past  allocation  pattern,  response
            histories  and  the  covariate  vector  of  the    patients  to  the  (  +  1)
            allocation with the covariate vector  + 1. This allocation is chosen with the
            intention  of  skewing  the  treatment  allocation  probability  in  favour  of  the
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