Page 53 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 53

CPS2028 Ayon M.
            Sverdlov  (2008)  gave  an  overview  of  different  techniques  for  handling
            covariates in the design of clinical trials and distinguished between two main
            approaches.  These  are  covariate-adaptive  randomization  and  covariate-
            adjusted  response-adaptive  (CARA)  randomization  procedures.  CARA
            randomization  is  applicable  to  clinical  trials  where  nonlinear  and
            heteroscedastic  models  determine  the  relationship  among  responses,
            treatments  and  covariates,  and  when  multiple  experimental  objectives  are
            pursued in the trial. The goals of a CARA procedure may be to skew allocation
            in  the  direction  of  the  treatment  that  is  clinically  best  given  a  patient’s
            covariate profile, while maintaining the power of a statistical test for treatment
            differences.  These  designs  rely  on  correctly  specified  parametric  models.
            Although the exponential model for survival responses has been previously
            considered by Sverdlov, Rosenberger and Ryzenik (2013) for developing CARA
            designs, to extend the scope of application of such designs in real-life clinical
            trials,  the  survival  models  that  have  been  considered  here  relaxes  on  any
            distributional assumption of the patient responses but relies only on a lighter
            assumption of proportional hazards of patients between the two treatment

            2.  Background
                The exponential model used by Sverdlov, Rosenberger and Ryeznik (2013)
            to develop CARA randomization procedures for survival trials is useful for its
            historical significance and mathematical simplicity, but it is less likely to fit data
            in practice. This is because the exponential distribution corresponds to a “lack
            of memory” model and that it has only one parameter making the expected
            remaining lifetime for a patient at any point in the trial, to be a constant. The
            methods discussed in this paper extends the applicability of CARA designs
            even further by encompassing situations where the designs are applicable for
            survival  responses  irrespective  of  its  theoretical  distribution,  provided  the
            hazards of the event considered at any given time point is proportional and
            time-independent for any two patients in the trial.
                In a medical context, the hazard rate is also known as the force of mortality
            and it represents a continuous version of a death rate per unit time. It is always
            convenient  in  survival  analysis  to  describe  the  distribution  of  the  survival
            responses  in  various  different  but  inter-related  ways.  For  a  continuously
            distributed  survival  time  T  let  f(t)  be  the  density  function  and  F(t)  be  the
            distribution  function.  The  hazard  function  ℎ() = [()/()]  can  be
            interpreted as the instantaneous failure rate, where S(t) is the survivor function
            and gives the probability for a patient to survive beyond a given time point t.
            The survivor function can also be written as;
                                () =  (− ∫ ℎ())  =  [−()]        (1)

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