Page 100 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 100

CPS2204 T. von R. et al.

                      The   ̂  is  a  diagnostic  measure  for  assessing  the  simultaneous
                  influence  of  several  observations  on  the  parameter  estimates, .  Since  all
                  parameters in the model are estimated from the perturbed model,  ̂  is
                  regarded to be a joint-parameter influence measure. It can be of interest to
                  assess  the  influence  of  multiple  observations  on  a  particular  parameter
                  estimate,   , in model (1). If this is the case, we use the same methodology as
                  above and obtain a marginal-parameter influence measure.

                  Let  = ( ,  )be a vector of parameter estimates, where
                                          = ( , . . . ,  ̂ −1 ,  ̂ +1 , … ,  ),

                  are the maximum likelihood estimates from the unperturbed model (1), and
                    is estimated from the perturbed model (11).

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