Page 107 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 107

CPS2205 Abdul Aziz A. Rahaman et al.
            final model gives better predictions than if you just guessed based on the
            marginal probabilities for the outcome categories.
                It  was  also  observed  that  the  p-value  (0.640)  is  greater  than  the
            significance level (0.05). This means that we fail to reject the null hypothesis
            that the fitted model is consistent with the observed data. Thus we conclude
            that the data and the model predictions are similar at 95% confidence level
            which  implies  a  good  model.  The  Pseudo  R-square  (Nagelkerke=76.8%)
            indicates  that  the  predictor  variables  explains  most  of  the  proportions  of
            variation between customer satisfaction (response). There is however about
            23.2%  of  the  variability  which  is  unaccounted  for,  which  may  be  due  to
            research related errors.  Additionally, in the SEM framework, Service Quality
            accounted for about 83.9%, 82.8% and 80.5% of the variability recorded in
            Assurance,  Tangibility  and  Reliability  respectively.  Meanwhile,  Loyalty
            explained about 86.2%, 83% and 80.1% for the variance in Trustworthiness,
            Commitment  and  Corporate  Image  respectively.  Customer  satisfaction
            recorded 90.6% for Service Charge. This implies that Customer satisfaction
            accounts for majority of the variation in the bank’s Service Charge.

            4.  Discussion
                This study has established that there is a link between service quality and
            customer  retention  at  Universal  banks’  in  Ghana.  This  study  finds  service
            quality impacts on customer satisfaction and customer retention at Universal
            banks’  in  Ghana.  This  result  is  consistent  with  finding  of  other  scholars
            (Ndubisi, 2007 & Titko and Lace 2010). Usually, customer satisfaction is the
            important predictor of customer retention, but this study establishes service
            quality has great impact on customer retention simultaneously with customer
            satisfaction. Again, the empirical results show customer satisfaction has the
            mediating role between service quality and customer retention. It implies that
            quality has a direct impact on customer satisfaction and indirect impact on
            customer retention through satisfaction, which is at variant to other studies
            (Zineldin, 2006). Meanwhile, previous researches (Jamal and Nasr, 2003 and
            Parasuraman  et  al.,  1993)  found  that  there  is  no  important  relationship
            between  customer  satisfaction  and  tangible  aspects  of  service  quality,  in
            contrast,  this  study  noted  that  tangible  significantly  influence  customer
            satisfaction. The study here asserted that satisfaction is strongly influenced by
            service  quality  dimension  on  responsiveness  which  contradicts  a  previous
            study Banergee  (2012).  There  are overwhelming  arguments  that  it  is  more
            expensive to win new customers than to keep existing ones (Hormozi and
            Giles, 2004).
                In  conclusion,  the  ordinal  logit  model  fit  the  data  set  adequately  and
            provides a better model fit indices compared to the SEM, where some of its
            model fit indices are off the threshold. Also, the parameter estimates and fit

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