Page 237 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 237

CPS2265 Siti Salwani Ismail et al.
            BLR     = Base lending rate
            APH     = Average house price

                Independent variable this model was loan approved. The loan approved
            will  affect  the  increase  or  decrease  of  gross  output  value  for  real  estate
            subsector. This is because approval of loan is formal authorization to get a
            loan usually from a bank.
                Residential property is the larger subsector that is contributed to the real
            estate subsector in Malaysia. Therefore average house one of the proxy to
            study the factor of effect to value gross for real estate subsector. Average
            house price may the factor of demand of house in Malaysia. Real house prices
            are  directly  determined  by  the  willingness  of  households  to  pay  for  (and
            willingness of builders to supply) a constant-quality house. Changes in the
            quantity of housing demanded will affect real prices only to the extent that
            the long-run housing supply schedule is positively sloped.

            H1:     There is a significant relationship between gross output value and its
            independent variables.

            7.  Estimation Results
                7.1 Descriptive Statistics
                   The  next  section  of  the  analysis  was  concerned  with  the  summary
                 statistics for all the variables. As Table 1 showed, the value of gross output
                 had a mean of RM22,838 million with standard deviation RM3,612 million.
                 The  loan  approved  had  a  mean  of  RM103,270  million  with  standard
                 deviation of RM15,715 million. The mean for base lending rate is 6.50 with
                 standard deviation 0.26. The mean value for average house price recorded
                 RM285,581 and a standard deviation of RM53,466.
                   Table 1: Summary Statistics
                               Output Real                       Base
                   Variables    Estate (RM    Loan Approved     Lending    Price House
                                               (RM Million)
                                 Million)                        Rate
                   Mean           22,838          103,270        6.50        285,582
                   Median         22,320          99,355         6.53        286,674
                   Std. Dev.      3,612           15,715         0.26        53,466
                7.2 Correlation Analysis
                   Based  on  analysis  below  showed  that  that  loan  applied  had  strong
                positive relationship between gross output of real estate subsector with
                loan approved, base lending rate (BLR) and average price house with 0.673,
                0.865 and 0.989 respectively. Meanwhile, loan approved also stated strong
                relationship with base lending rate and average price house. Base lending
                rate also has strong relationship with average price house with 0.899.

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