Page 195 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 195

CPS1881 Mike S.C. et al.
            everywhere above the other) was useful for evaluating welfare redistribution
            toward decreasing the inequality through a progressive transfer, or for ranking
            income distributions according to expected utility (Atkinson, 1970). Inference
            for  the  LD  property  has  been  extensively  discussed  in  the  literature  since
            1980s. Asymptotic normality of estimating Lorenz curve vector ordinates and
            testing LD by significant differences among pairwise comparisons of Lorenz
            ordinates were essentially based on a grid of finite points on the unit interval.
            Extending the inference of LD from a finite grid to the entire unit interval, a
            consistent test was developed for the LD hypothesis based on functions of the
            empirical Lorenz processes (Barrett et al, 2014). The theoretical test p-values
            were empirically assessed using the bootstrap method because the asymptotic
            distributions of the test statistics depend on the unknown distributions.
                 The goal of this study is to investigate a distribution-free test scheme for
            the LD hypothesis. This begins with an elementary fact that the difference
            curve of a pair of Lorenz curves is a combination (or continuation) of concave
            and  convex  curves  depending  on  the  condition  of  crossing  Lorenz  curves,
            denoted  by  CLC,  or  dominant  curves,  the  LD  case.  Distinct  aspects  of  the
            difference curve expressed by inequality patterns of the quantile functions
            naturally characterize the CLC and LD conditions. Thus, the quantile inequality
            patterns can be used to construct likelihood ratio (LR) tests under the CLC and
            the LD hypotheses, respectively. The LR test for the LD hypothesis is by design
            a reduced form of that for the CLC hypothesis, it is convenient to first test the
            latter when it is applicable, otherwise, test only the former; and the separate
            test results can be summarized to support a decision.  The proposed LR tests
            are consistent with respect to the critical regions and test levels based on
            approximate  chi-square  distributions.  The  proposed  LR  tests  are  examined
            using a simulation study and a real GDP per capita data analysis.
                 The proposed test design is laid out in two sections. In Section 2, it is
            illustrated that distinct inequality patterns between paired quantiles of the two
            distribution under comparison are exhibited under the CLC and LD hyptheses.
            From these patterns, LR tests for the CLC and LD hypotheses can be separately
            constructed  by  comparing  the  sample  quantiles  against  the  expected
            quantiles under the hypotheses. In Section 3, a simulation study of pairs of
            Lorenz  curves  from  a  few  common  distribution  families  is  conducted  to
            evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed LR tests under the CLC and LD
            hypotheses. The proposed LR tests are also used to investigate potential CLC
            and LD conditions among a few real GDP per capita data of 133 countries
            recorded across a few years in the Penn World Table (Summers and Heston,
            1991).  A pair of yearly data was tested to exhibit  the  CLC hypotheses and
            another pair exhibited the LD property, the proposed LR tests were effectively
            used and conclusive. The bootstrap method was also applied to testing the
            same two paired data, and found not quite satisfactory with the CLC case, and

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